Chapter Seventeen

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            Once I start crying, I cannot bring myself to stop. It was the first time since she left that I cried, but it was also the first time that I felt hope that she was coming back to me. Zayn was comforting me by rubbing my back in soothing circles. Once I had stop crying, Zayn’s shirt was wet with tears, I wanted answers. I just wanted her to be back with me in my arms.

            “When did she call?” I ask, my voice sounding off from crying so hard. Zayn holds me tighter before answering.

            “Early this morning.” Zayn tells me. “Harry called me about an hour after.”

            “So when the phone rang this morning, it was her?” I question, and I take Zayn’s silence as conformation. I had heard the phone ring at about eight, but I didn’t want to answer it. I hated talking to people these days, and I had thought it was Louis or Anna.

            “I’m sorry, mate.” Zayn tells me, and I cannot bring myself to be mad at him.

            “We’ve been through too much for this to make me anger at you.” I tell him, and I hear him sigh in relief. “When will she be here?” I question.

            “Probably tomorrow. Told Harry she had to do something before she came over.” Zayn says, and I can feel him shrug. The door opens and shuts, and I don’t even bother to check to see who it is. I feel the cover get pulled up, and someone snuggle behind me. An arm gives thrown over my side, and Zayn reaches across to hold the hand.

            “Everything will work out.” Niall tell me, and I sigh into Zayn’s chest. I wondered how me being this close to Zayn didn’t bother Niall, but I didn’t plan on asking. Niall had also been the person everyone turned to when they were sad, he just had an ability to make the pack feel happy.

            “Not that I don’t like platonic cuddling with you two, but I need to speak with Harry.” I tell them, and Niall squeezes me tighter. I knew that he was afraid for me, but I wasn’t. Even after these two years, I was fine. I knew she was safe, but I wanted answers.

            “Just a little longer.” Niall whines, and Zayn chuckles. I sigh, and try to wiggle away. I manage to make it out of the Zayn and Niall sandwich, and Niall sighs dramatically. I see him cuddle closer to Zayn and rub his face over Zayn’s chest, probably to cover my smell.

            “I’m going to see Harry.” I tell them, going over to my dresser to change my clothes.

            “He’s out with Darren.” Niall informs me, still cuddling with Zayn. I sigh and pull on jeans.

            “Then I’m going for a walk.” I tell them, I just need to get out of the house and away from all of the happy couples.

            “Want me to come with you?” Zayn asks, but his breathing is slowed and I have a feeling he is close to sleep. Niall eyes have already shut, and I couldn’t help but smile at them.

            “No, I need to be alone.” I say softly. Zayn makes a noise like he heard me, and soon his breathing evens out and I leave the pair asleep in my bed. I walked downstairs quietly and see Isolde drinking tea and reading a book.

            “Look at you. Out of bed and in big boy pants, proud of you.” Isolde says, not looking up from her book. I snigger, and grab a plate of leftovers from the fridge that Isolde probably set in there for me, and popped into the microwave. I waited for it to ding, and then sat next to Isolde to eat.

            “This is good.” I comment about the food.

            “It was better last night when I first made it.” She says, turning the page of her book loudly. Guilt goes through me, and I set my fork down. Motherhood had made Isolde the ultimate guilt tripper.

            “I’m sorry.” I whisper.

            “I don’t want sorry, I want you to get better.” Isolde says, softly. She looks at me, and I finally look back at her. She looks sad, but at the same time hopeful.

            “I will.”  I promise her, and she nods. I take my plate to the sink, and wash my hands. “I’m going for a walk, Iz, I’ll be back to speak to Harry later.” I tell her, and she nods.

            “Be careful, Li.” She says, and I wave as I leave.

            “As always.” I says, and I make it four block from the house before I am knocked unconscious.


            The plane landed without a hitch, and after I left I went straight to the tiny town I left two years earlier. I was happy to be back, and ready to see the pack. The taxi ride was short, and I had the driver let me out several blocks from my old home. I stood outside my old home, and watched it. I was so angry to be back here, but I needed to know why my father murdered his wife.

            “You should have known better than to come back here.” A voice rings out, and I roll my eyes.

            “Hello, Hank.” I says, turning to see my old friend. He was sneering and pointing a gun at me, but I wasn’t afraid.

            “What the fuck happened to your face, Evelynn dear?” Hank says, mockingly. I sneer in return.

            “Still look so much better than you, Hank. You look old. What are you pushing thirty? Thirty-five?” I mock back at him, and he chuckles humorlessly.

            “I am going to enjoy this.” Hank says, and before I can move he shoots me with tranquilizer gun.

            “Son of a bitch.” I say, blacking out.

A short chapter, but only more more than the epilogue!!! 

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