Chapter Five

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            “Harry, I need to speak to you.” I whispered to him in an urgent tone. He must have sensed my nervousness because he instantly nodded.

            “Go watch TV with your uncles.” Harry tells Darren, who nods and runs into the living room. I watch as he sandwiches himself between Niall and Zayn, and rests his head on Niall’s shoulder. I walk into the kitchen where Harry and Isolde are waiting for me. I sit down on the bar and Iz and Harry sit in front of me.

            “Tell us, Liam.” Isolde says, she folds her hands and sets them in front of her. I take a deep breath and tell them the story of how I met Eve.

            “She sounds nice.” Iz comments.

            “That’s not everything.” I say, and Harry’s face remains neutral. “Zayn and I ran into her today, she works at that library downtown. I introduced Zayn to her and.” I stop what I was saying, and Isolde leans closer.

            “Go on, Liam.” She tells me, somewhat impatiently. Harry chuckles at her. I don’t know how to tell them or how they would react. I decide that it would be best to just cut to the chase.

            “Her name is Eve Tergen.” I spit out quickly, and I hear Harry take a sharp inhale. He stands quickly.

            “No! This is unacceptable! They kill our kind, Liam. I cannot give my blessing for this relationship.” Harry yells at me, and I feel my heart sink. If I didn’t have his blessing, I couldn’t be with her.

            “Harry!” Isolde gasps out. She has this look of shock on her face, and she rises to stand as well. “Do not tell him that!” She says, strongly. Harry looked at his wife in shock.

            “Izzy, they have been hunting us for years!” Harry yells out, and Isolde takes a step forward.

            “What’s going on?” Darren has wondered into the kitchen, and is staring at his parents. He moves his head to look from his mother to his father.

            “Nothing.” Harry and Isolde say at the same time. It would have been funny, had they not been mad at me.

            “You don’t have snap at me.” Darren says, in a hurt tone. Isolde’s face falls, and she rushes over and pulls him into her arms. She hates when anyone is upset, especially her son.

            “I’m sorry, baby.” Isolde says. I just want to slink from the room, and I try, only to be stopped by Harry. He pulls me into the next room, and faces me.

            “I’m sorry.” He says, quietly. This was weird, Harry hardly ever apologizes. I decide that I don’t want to talk, so I use our mind connection.

            I didn’t choose this. I tell him.

            I know, I just wish it was someone, anyone, else. He tells me. I scoff.

            She’s nice. I tell him, honestly.

            She’s a Tergen. She will betray you. Harry tells me, and like that I snap. I let loose a horrible growl, and bare my teeth. One of the number one rules of Children of the Moon, is to never insult ones’ mate. Once Louis had teasingly slapped Niall on the ass, and Zayn sent him through a window, literally. I couldn’t help it, it didn’t matter that not only was Harry my brother and Alpha, I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

            The forceful noise of Harry hitting the wall, drew the others into the room.

            “Liam, stop!” I heard Isolde yell at me, and I whined and let go of Harry. Harry had yet to attack me back. It was worst when Isolde makes commands because they had to be obeyed. Harry’s orders could be tweaked, and sometimes ignored. She was our Queen, and had to be followed. Harry was panting wildly as I was, and looking at me with anger. He stepped in front of Isolde, and pushed her behind him. I was shocked that he actually though I would hurt her.

            “Let’s talk about this like adults.” Niall tries to stress, I turn an look at him. He is practically hidden by Zayn who is staring at me carefully. What is with all these people and thinking I’m going to hurt their mate?! I let loose a finally growl, and run out the front door. I run till I no longer feel the pressure of Harry and Isolde.

            “Wait! I’m not as fast as you!” I hear behind me, I turn to see Darren, and I groan.

            “Go home, Darren.” I tell him, walking away. He just runs up to check up with me.

            “Nope! Told Mum and Dad I went to bed, and snuck out to check on you. Plus Dad’s pretty upset that he hurt your feels, so they won’t notice I’m gone.” He tells me, cheerfully. I was touched that he cared, but I didn’t need to get into more trouble with Harry.

            “You just don’t want to sleep, now go home.” I tell him, and the wind changes direction. A sudden smell invades my senses, and I turn quickly to get Darren. He must of notices the change in smell to.

            “Liam.” He says, and a dart flies out and hits him directly in the neck. It was like slow motion, I ran toward him but I felt a shot pinch and I passed out.


          That boy and his brother kept playing over and over in my head. I hated to admit that I actually like him, he was something normal in my life of chaos. I went home only to find the house empty which was odd. The house was always full of people, which was always annoying.

            I head upstairs to my room to change. I didn’t want to have to do training today, but I probably had to. I grab a quick snack from downstairs and I hear a muffled scream form the basement. I sigh and head down there. I walk slowly down the steps, and find the door locked. I hear the scream again, and this time it worries me.


Smack.  I was really getting tired of being smacked in the face, by this asshole.

“Tell me where the alpha is, and I’ll let you and your friend go.” The man told me. I laughed out loud. Now way in hell was I going to tell him where Harry was.

“I won’t tell you, dumbass. Don’t you know anything about loyalty to Alphas?” I said, and received another lovely smack to the face. I spit blood in the man’s face, and he growled at me. I felt Darren shake next to me.

Where the fuck are you? Harry invades my mind. I flinched. When he found out the Darren was with me, he was going to be pissed.

Oh, you know hanging out. I tell sarcastically, and I get smacked in the face, again. This dude is lucky that I am tied to a chair.

I can feel you bleeding. Harry snarls at me.

The Tergen’s got me. I tell him, reluctantly.

Where are you? Like do you know? Harry says, concern in his voice. I can tell that he doesn’t know Darren is with me. I hear Darren whimper next to me, and I take a deep breath.

I am so sorry, Harry. I tell him, honestly. He doesn’t say anything for a second.

Is this about you pushing me? Cause it’s okay, I am sorry too. Harry tells me. I can vaguely hear Niall and Zayn’s thoughts.

No, I tell him, Darren is with me.

Thanks for reading!! Leave your comments if you please, my Princes and Princesses!!!

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