Chapter Two

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            I was walking down the street near Isolde and Harry’s when I ran into someone. I felt them almost fall, so I reach out to grab them.

            “Son of a bitch!” I heard a female yell out. I chuckled softly but it stopped when I looked at her. She was beautiful. All of sudden it was like I was having memories of things that had not happened yet. I saw her and I dancing in the rain, her and Isolde laughing in the kitchen of their house, and of us kissing in the back seat of a car. I continued to stare at her.

            “A lady shouldn’t cuss.” I managed to whisper out, thinking to my old English ways. The lady laughs out.

            “I’m not a lady, so you can go fuck yourself.” She says. I laugh out loud at her words, and I get a smile in return. She picks straightens up herself, and I take this time to really look at her. She had wild, curly red hair, she was shorter than me, her nose was off centered and adorable, and she looked strong. She was perfect. “Stop staring at me.” She says frowning.

            “I can’t stare a pretty woman?” I ask, innocently. She looks at me and bust out laughing.

            “What’s your name, smooth criminal?” She asks, still laughing.

            “Liam.” I tell her. She smiles at me.

            “Eve.” She replies back. I smile. Eve. It is prefect, like her. I wonder if this is what the other boys felt like when they meet their mates? I remember Louis telling me that when he meet Anna he saw what I did.

            I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this crazy woman.

            “Do you want to get some coffee?” I asked her, hoping for a yes. She looks at me.

            “It’s ten-thirty at night.” She points out. I shrug my shoulders.

            “Froyo?” I ask. Eve laughs at me.

            “I could go for some frozen yogurt.” She tells me, laughing. She turns on her heels, and walks in front. I follow her on her heels.

            “There’s this place around the corner.” I tell her, and she nods. We enter the place and a greasy teen greets us. We both say our own greeting, and pick out what we want. We take a seat near the window-me with chocolate and her with strawberry-and she looks at me.

            “I’ve never been here before.” She tells me, and I gasp in fake horror.

            “How?! My brothers and I live here. Just not usually this late.” I tell her. She raises an eyebrow, and eats her yogurt.

            “You have brothers?” She asks curiously. I smile and nod. I want her to know everything about me, and I want to know everything about her.

            “Yes, four.” Her eyes widen.

            “Wow. I don’t have any brothers or sisters.” She tells me. I frown.

            “I also have two sisters in law, and a nephew.” I tell her.

            “So two of your brothers aren’t married?” She asks, curiously. I chuckle.

            “They’re married to each other.” I tell her laughing, she chokes slightly on her yogurt.

            “You’re all adopted I hope.” She says. I laugh loudly. I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard.

            “Yep.” I tell her. Eve laughs softly, she looks outside and back at me. “What about you?” I ask her curiously. She looks sad for a second, and she licks her lips and sighs.

            “Uh, I don’t have siblings. My mother died when I was a child.” She ends on a slightly bitter tone. I was curious about why she had a bitter undertone, but I let it pass.

            “Well my parents are dead as well.” I tell her, I leave out that they died from old age around eight hundred years ago. She raises her eyebrows at me, and before I can blink she was taking my bowl of yogurt and stuffing in her face. “Did you just take my yogurt?” I ask her playfully, and she shrugs without shame.

            “I haven’t had yogurt in forever.” She says. “Plus you ran into me.” She finishes my yogurt, and I can only stare at her. I run my tongue over my lip ring, and wait for her to talk. “I need to go home. My dad would be pissed if he found out I left.” She says, almost sadly. I nod at her. I pull out my cell phone and slide it across the table.

            “Can’t I have your number?” I ask, carefully. Eve looks at me carefully, as if thinking about what to do.

            “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She tells me. She stands up, and I reach for her. She shrugs her shoulder to get rid of my hand, and I slowly drop it.

            “Eve, please.” I say, pitifully. She is my mate, and she can’t just leave me. She takes one last look, and runs of the store without a last glance. I stand in stunned silence before walking out back to Isoldes and Harrys’. My heart is heavy, and my feet drag on the ground.


            That had to be the stupidest thing I had ever done, and I had charged into a den of Children without backup. I shouldn’t have done that. Liam. He was taller than me, with tattoos, piercing, and soft eyes. I felt happy with him, for the first time since my mother. I already missed this random stranger, and I wanted to see him again. I crept back into my window and watch the sky. It was after midnight, and I was tired. I slipped down the stairs, and ran straight into my father.

            “Father!” I whisper-yelled. I was terrified that he had caught me sneaking out or back in, and was going to yell at me.

            “Eve! What are you still doing up?” My father asks me. I shrug my shoulders, hoping that was a good enough answer. He looks at me with careful eyes. “Well, since you’re up we’re having a meeting. Join us.” He tells me. I nod, and follow him down the stairs. The rest of the gang were seated by our table. There was seven men, I was the only female, but I was the best.

            “What are we discussing?” I asked. Everyone turns and looks at me. I take a seat at the head of the table, and wait to be answered.

            “We have reason to believe that a pack of Children is residing in our very town.” Steven, one of my father henchmen, said. I scoffed. Everyone knew that there was a pack here, they never bothered anyone.

            “Yeah, but they don’t bother anyone.” I tell him. I hate the idea of killing anyone who didn’t deserve it. All of the Children of the Moon I had killed had murdered humans, and been wild.

            “They’re still freaks of nature.” Steven spits out, and I grimace. I really didn’t like this guy, but father insisted he is the best. I scoff and rolled my eyes.

            “Their pack is too big to not be consider a threat.” My father tells me. I look at him curiously. All the other pack we had taken down, had only had about three members at the most. It was odd to think a pack was too big, most Children didn’t get another well with others.

            “Do we know the Alpha of this pack?” I asked. My father nodded his head. “Who?” I asked, impatiently.

            “Harry Styles.”

Leave your comments! Thanks for reading! Pic of Darren Styles!

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