Chapter 8

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"Ian I think it would better if I drove." Ellie said as she sat next to the anxious man whose eyes were fixated on the road.

"I'm fine I can do it." Ian insisted.

"Ian your knuckles are turning white." And Ian quickly looked down seeing she was right. Slowly he slowed to a stop.

"Maybe, maybe you're right." Ian said and as he took his hands away from the wheel he could see how horribly they were shaking.

"It's ok, I can drive." Ellie said rubbing Ian's back.

Just as Ian was about to get out of the car, they heard a woman's scream.

"Ian don't..." Alan started but Ian had already taken off running towards the sound.

"Fuck!" The voice screamed again. And Ian ran faster than he had ever run in his entire life, Alan and Ellie on his heels.

He felt as though he had been running for years before he came to a clearing there he found a group of people and tents set up. Most of the people were men, in fact Ian was sure that they were all men. But in the crowd of men he noticed one girl, his girl. She was sitting down her shirt off and someone working on her shoulder a stick in her mouth.

"Y/N!" Ian screamed as he took off running towards her.

Y/N quickly look up her jaw dropping and the stick falling out. "Ian" she gasped softly as she stood up making her way towards him.

Ian was just about to reach him when a man stood in his way.

"Who are you?" He asked and Ian quickly shoved him out of the way scooping Y/N up into his arms as she reached him.

"You're ok, Thank God, You're ok." Ian gasped as he held onto her tightly. He moved his hand up to her shoulder and she gasped pushing him backwards as she fell out of his arms. "What is it what's wrong?" He asked and that's when he noticed the bandage wrapped around her shoulder.

"It's nothing." She said. "I can't believe your here." She gasped as she placed her hand on Ian's cheek wiping the tears away.

"It is not nothing!" Ian gasped noticing the blood seeping through the bandage.

"A raptor got her!" The man who tried to stop Ian yelled and Y/N turned around to look at him angrily.

"What!" Ian gasped.

"Let me take a look." Alan said as he finally came up behind her.

"Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler. It is nice to see you." Y/N said bitterly as Alan started to take the bandage off.

"Y/N, don't" Ian started holding Y/N's hands as she flinched from the pain.

"Oh my god!" Ellie gasped as Alan took the bandage off.

Ian slowly looked around seeing the three giant gashes in Y/N's shoulder.

"It got me when we had to leave at the gates." Y/N said gasping as Alan took a closer look at the gashes.

"It doesn't look infected. Which is good."

"How is Brandon, did he make it off the island?" Y/N asked looking at Ian as Alan started to rebandage her up.

"He's fine Y/N..." Ian growled.

"Did the footage air, did people see did they see the raptor." Y/N asked letting go of Ian's hands.

"That's what you are worried about right now! The fucking footage!" Ian screamed the relief of Y/N being alive wearing off and turning into pure rage.

Y/N stepped back and as she did so Tembo handed her her shirt and she put it on. "Ian I know you're upset but I'm fine."

"Fine!" He scoffed crossing his arms "You got attacked! You are lucky you weren't killed!"

"Ian you are overreacting." Y/N replied her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Overreacting. You came to this fucking island, even though I told you, no begged you not to come! You have been missing for 2 days Y/N two days! Do you want to know what I came home to, 100 some messages from everyone we know including your mother. I thought you were dead. Everyone thinks you are dead. I thought you were dead! So don't you dare tell me I'm overreacting!" Ian screamed and Y/N just stood clenching her jaw staring at him angrily.

"If you two love birds are done fighting, I would like to remind you that we are in the fucking jungle where there are dinosaurs waiting to turn us into their dinner, so I would greatly it if you two would shut up!" Tembo said.

"Who are you?" Ian asked angrily turning to look at him.

"Ronald Tembo."

"Why do you have so many men here, you were only here to film a segment for the news?" Alan asked.

"She was here to film for the news, we have another job we have to do." Tembo said and as soon as he did Y/N crossed her arms.

"Yeah, they are here to steal the dinosaurs for InGen!" She screamed getting up in Tembo's face.

"We!" He screamed shoving Y/N backwards. "Are not here to steal them, we are here to rescue them."

"Bullshit! They don't need rescuing!" Y/N started when suddenly Ian felt the ground move.

"Y/N" Ian started turning to look at Alan and Ellie seeing that they too were scared.

"We have been over this multiple times! I'm not going to explain it again Miss L/N and if you argue with me again I will strap you to a tree."

"Y/N" Ian tried again.

"Try me!" Y/N screamed again when suddenly there was a giant roar.

"She's here." Tembo smiled wickedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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