Chapter 5

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He didn't even take the time to pack anything. Instead the minute he hung up the phone he called the number that he had been given a year ago.

"Hello?" The voice answered and Ian sighed for relief. He had fear that they had been out on a dig and he wouldn't be able to find them.

"Alan," Ian said and he heard a voice sigh.

"Ellie and I saw the news, I'm so sorry Ian." Alan sighed.

"I'm going after her." Ian said.

"Ian you and I both know..." Alan started.

"If it was Ellie you would do the same." Ian snapped back. "I called to ask, to beg really, I can't go to the island by myself, I need."

"No, Ian I can't..."

"Alan, you Ellie and I are the only ones who know what is on that island, who understand what kind of risk it is being on that island. These people who InGen sent with Y/N they don't know anything, they are going in guns blazing and it isn't going to work."

"Exactly we know the risk and we know the odds of making it out of there unhurt Ian."

"Please Alan, I can't just sit by and wait for news because I know what it is going to be,I have to go after her myself. But I need your help."

He heard Alan sigh.

"Please." He pleaded voice cracking.

"Fine, when are we leaving?"

Ian laughed sadly. He really hadn't really expected Alan to say yes. "I'm planning on flying to Costa Rica tomorrow."

"While I'm agreeing to this Ian, I'm not going to make Ellie, in fact I would prefer it if she didn't come."

"I completely understand." Ian nodded wiping the tears away.

"And Ian I'm not going to guarantee that things are going to end well."

"I know, I know." Silence. "I can't thank you enough Alan."

"I'll see you tomorrow Ian." Alan said and then the phone went silent.

Ian paused for a moment before he rushed for the door grabbing his car keys on the way out.

"Sir you can't park there!" The man at the news station said as Ian pulled up right in front of the doors and stormed inside. The minute he did he could see everyone around him whispering and pointing at him, but he was on a mission.

"Steven!" Ian screamed as he charged towards the office he had come to visit so many times.

"Ian," Steven said as he came out of his office looking terrified.

"How could you!" Ian screamed.

"I didn't think..."

"You didn't think that she would be in any danger because you didn't believe me. Do you believe me now!"


"Where is the cameraman, where is the one who escaped." Just as Ian said it, he could see someone cowering behind Steven. "You!" He growled as he reached around grabbing him by the collar. "What happened! What did you see!"

"I... I saw that... that thing, and then I ran, I don't know what happened to Y/N I just... I ran!"

"You left her there!" Ian said as he right hooked Brandon in the face sending him flying to the ground. "You fucking piece of shit!" He screamed as he was about to go after him on the floor, when Steven grabbed him and stop him.

"Ian it wasn't his fault!" Steven tried to reason with him.

"Well then whose fault was it Steve!" Ian snapped turning to look at the producer.

"She just kept insisting she wanted to go, she wasn't going to take no for an answer."

"Why did she..." Ian started his voice breaking. "She knew..."

"Ian we both know why she went." Steven said holding onto Ian's arms, and as he did he could feel Ian's knees start to give way. "Here hold on you need to sit down." And quickly he sat Ian down in the closet chairs.

"I... I'm going after her." He stumbled trying to compose himself.

"I figured you would be. Just be careful ok. You bring her back Ian." Steven said.

Ian nodded as he started to get up, he still could feel the sharp pain in his leg but he was trying his best to ignore it.

"Wait Dr. Malcolm." He heard a voice say and he was the guy he had decked getting up off the floor holding out pieces of papers towards him. "Y/N she, she gave these to me. She said if anything were to happen to her I had to get these to you. I'm sorry, I... I... I didn't want to leave her I just... I got..."

"No I understand. And I'm... I'm sorry I hit you," Ian said laying his hand on Brandon's shoulder. "And thank you for these." And then Ian started to make her way slowly to the car. However, when he left he found his car was gone, most likely it got towed. Sighing he began to make his way towards the subway station. As he walked, or more so limped, all the way there, the notes in his pocket weighing what felt like a hundred pounds. When he finally reached the station and got into a car, he found a seat and quickly pulled them out of his pocket with shaking hands.

"Ian, if you are reading this it means something terrible has happened, and for that I am terribly terribly sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just had to show everyone that you weren't crazy. And I wish me just believing in you and you being the brilliant chaotician that I know and love, were enough for people to stop. But InGen has gone too far, and this is the only going to get worse, unless I fix it. And you know me I always have to fix things." Ian chuckled slightly tears sliding down his face. "And in order to fix this, I have to have proof, proof that they aren't going to be able to argue with. And hopefully if you are reading this, that proof got out there, even if it meant that I died. All I wanted was for the world to see you the way I see you. And I knew all they needed was a little push. I just wish I could be there to see it. I know that neither one of us are very religious people, but I hope that there is a heaven, and I hope that someday, long from now we will meet each other there my love. You were my whole life and I need you to know that this was not your fault. There wasn't anything that would have stopped me from going. The island, it takes and it destroys anything it can, and it was either it was going to destroy you or me, and I would much rather let it take me. Please don't let this destroy you. Live your life Ian, find another woman love her deeply, maybe have a few children. Teach the world and let it teach you something as well. But please all I ask is that you don't forget me. I love you Ian more than I could ever express." And that was the end.

Ian wiped his eyes and he could see he was getting concerned looks from the people around him. Then a sudden wave of determination washed over Ian. This was not going to be the last words Y/N would ever say to him. He was going to find he and they were going to get off of that island together. 

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