Chapter 2

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That morning when Y/N woke up she found Ian already getting ready dressed.

"Ian what are you doing its 6 in the morning," She groaned looking at the clock on the nightstand.

"I'm going to go to another interview." He sighed sitting on the edge of the bed as he began to tie his shoes.

Y/N sighed as she got up and wrapped herself around Ian's back kissing the back of his neck. "Is this one in town at least." However, as she looked up she could a suitcase sitting next to the closet. "Well I guess that answers that." She sat back sitting cross legged on the bed.

"It's just for 2 days that's all, then I will be back. I promise."

"Where is the interview this time." She asked as she wrapped the blanket around her self and sat next to him, she still was only wearing Ian's shirt.

"Florida." He said as he stood up straightening himself out. Although it had been a year since he had been attacked he still had trouble standing or walking for long periods of time because of his leg. He also stood slightly off so most of his weight was on his good leg.

"But you hate Florida Ian." Y/N sighed sadly as she looked at the once confident, some might have said even cocky, man who now was crumbling before her.

"Yeah but maybe, they will want to hire the crazy dinosaur guy." He said looking down at the ground.

"Hey," Y/N quickly said as she stood up so she was standing in front of Ian. He was much taller than she was, so he had to look down to look at her. "Ian you are not the crazy dinosaur guy." But still he wouldn't look her in the eye. "Look at me." She placed her hand on his cheek.

As he lifted his head slightly and his eyes looked into hers, Y/N could see the tears in his eyes.

"You are Dr. Ian Malcolm, chaotician. You are brilliant, you are kind, and you do not let anyone break your spirit." Y/N said as she got up on her tiptoes and kissed him passionately.

For a moment Ian just stood there as Y/N kissed him but then he leaned down wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up so her feet were completely off the ground.

"You forgot something my love," He said as he broke apart from her but still held her off the ground.

"And what is that?" She chuckled happy to see him smiling again.

"I'm Dr. Ian Malcolm, the brilliant, kind and sexy chaotician." He said as he kissed her again causing her to laugh.

They kissed for a while when suddenly Ian dropped her onto the bed getting on top of her.

"What time is your flight Dr. Malcolm." Y/N said as she grabbed his tie pulling him closer to her.

"I don't have to be at the airport for another hour," Ian smiled seductively.

"That's plenty of time." She said as she crushed her lips onto his flipping them over so she was on top.


After they had finished, Ian got dressed and got ready to leave.

"Do you want me to go to the airport with you." Y/N asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"No, I'll be fine, I'm a big boy." He tried to say with his usual sass but she could hear the hesitation in his voice.

"Ian," She started but he quickly walked over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I promise I'll be ok." He said as he pulled her in for a hug. "Besides I don't want you to be late for work. Do you have any big stories you're working on?"

A pang of guilt hit Y/N in the stomach. "Yeah, I just got an idea for a major story."

"What's this one about? A town rocked by the death of a teenager or a political scandal."

"Nope something much bigger."

"You aren't going to tell me are you?" Ian smiled.

"Nope, you are just going to have to wait and watch it like everybody else." Y/N said kissing Ian once more.

"God I love you more and more everyday Miss L/N." Ian said

"Go you dork or you are going to miss your flight." Y/N pushed him back slightly.

He chuckled as he grabbed his bag and headed out of the apartment. Y/N sat there for a moment before she hurriedly got up and ran out the door leaning over the banister of the stairs watching Ian as he descended the three flights.

"Hey Ian." She called and he stopped looking up at her. "I love you." And he smiled before he disappeared out the door.

Y/N held onto the banister for a second, before turning back and heading inside grabbing the phone the minute she stepped through the door.

"Hello yes, I need to talk to John Hammond. Yes tell him it's Y/F/N Y/L/N."

It had only taken a matter of minutes before she heard that seemingly innocent sounding British voice.

"Miss Y/L/N how wonderful it is to hear from you." She heard John's chipper voice say and she fought back the urge to scream at him, to scream and curse for how he had done nothing to help Ian.

"Hello John, I have a proposition for you." She said as she began to give her pitch to John.

"I...I don't know Y/N, no one has been back there since the incident, I'm pretty sure all of the dinosaurs have been killed off by now. There won't be anything for you to see."

"So then there is no harm in me going now is there John." She said still holding back what she really wanted to say.

"What does Ian think about this?"

That silenced Y/N.

"He doesn't know does he, because I'm sure if he did..."

"Listen John, I know that you still want this project to work, this is your life's work, this is your baby. So you aren't just going to sit on your hands and wait. This broadcast could bring interest back to the project."

There was a moment of silence before John spoke again.

"How many people."

A smile spread across Y/N's face.

"Just me my cameraman, and then someone who can safely guide me around the island."

"When do you want to leave?"

"Tomorrow," She said.

Live from Jurassic Park (Dr. Ian Malcolm x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now