Chapter 6

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Everything seemed to blur and the next thing Ian knew he was on a flight to Costa Rica, his anxiety was so high he was shaking in his seat.

"Sir would you like anything to drink." The stewardess asked and Ian quickly turned to her.

"Yes, a scotch please." Ian said. "Actually could I get a couple." He said handing her two twenty dollar bills.

"Sir, I'm not allowed." The stewardess started.

"Please," He begged tears well up in his eyes again.

The stewardess sighed. "You're Dr. Ian Malcolm, you're Y/N L/N's..."


Then she just nodded handing him 10 of the shooters and only taking one of the twenties.

"Thank you," Ian said as he popped one open downing it.

By the time they had landed he was on his 8th shooter.

Slowly Ian stumbled his way off the plane finding Alan Grant waiting for him.

"Alan," Ian slurred.

"Are you drunk?" Alan said as he grabbed Ian's arm helping him stand. "Is your leg still bad your limping."

"It started when I found out about..." Ian stumbled.

"Here let's just get you to the car so we can sober you up, then we can talk ok." Alan said and Ian just nodded.

The two were quiet for a while as they slowly made their way towards the car.

"I understand why you got drunk Ian." Alan said. "But tomorrow you need to..."

"I will be fine. I just needed something for the flight that's all." Ian inisted as they went outside for the car.

"Alan!" They both heard a voice say. "Over here." The two turned to see Ellie waiting by the car.

"I thought you said she wasn't coming." Ian slurred as the two made their way to the car.

"I tried to convince her not to, but she insisted." Alan said.

"Ian, what's wrong?" Ellie asked quickly rushing over. However, she froze when she got near. "Whew!" She said. "How many did you have on the plane?"

"5" Ian replied as he slumped against the car.

"God Ian." Ellie sighed as she leaned next to him. "I'm sorry about Y/Y."

"We are going to find her Ellie, we have to find her." He said his voice cracking and Ellie looked at Alan with a worried expression.

"Of course we will Ian," She said but even Ian could tell she didn't have that much faith behind that statement.

They all slowly loaded in the car and headed out towards the hotel Ellie driving. Ian was slowly coming down from his drunken stupor with a horrible headache.

"So how are you guys, I mean how has this year been for you." Ian said and though he didn't mean it, the words came out with a slight hint of disdain.

"Ian, I just wanted you to know that we never meant to make you feel like you were alone. Anytime you did an interview or spoke about Jurassic Park, we wanted to be there with you it was just..." Ellie started.

"InGen," Ian sighed running his hands over his face. "No I understand, we all had careers as stake, I just thought putting mine at risk wouldn't have had these consequences."

The car went silent. These people were still strangers to one another, the one horrific experience they had shared, while it did make them closer, it couldn't stand for a lifetime of friendship that they didn't have. They had barely even talked to each other in a year.

"So are you two?" Ian asked and he immediately felt the tension in the room build.

"Uh, no we..." Alan started.

"We broke up soon after the incident." Ellie finished.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Ian said.

"It's fine. We are fine with it it's for the best." Alan said however Ian could tell he didn't mean it.

The car went silent again and it stayed that way until they reached the hotel.

"Do you think you can make it to your room?" Alan asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Ian sighed.

"Ian we do at some point need to talk about our plan."

"Ah, yes... a plan."

"You do have a plan don't you?" Alan insisted.

"Oh, uh, yeah of course I do."


"I'll see you tomorrow morning." Ian said as he limped his way towards his room.

"Ian," Ellie started.

"I want to get up bright and early, so get your rest, we are going to need it." Ian said over his shoulder and then he was gone.

The minute he got into his hotel room, everything hit him at once and he collapsed his back sliding down the door.

His breathing was raspy as he could feel his anxiety filling him up. Of course he didn't have a plan. He had decided to do the one thing that he swore he was never ever going to do ever again in his entire life, less than 24 hours ago. He hadn't even thought about the fact that he didn't have a fucking clue of where to even begin to look for Y/N. The footage was taken outside of the gate but that didn't necessarily mean that she was going to be there.

After waiting a moment to catch his breath he finally stood up. Limping his way to the bed he slowly sat down. His head was spinning from the alcohol and from the anxiety. His leg burned so much that he feared that if he looked down at it he would see the bone sticking through again.

"She needs you. You can't shut down." Ian thought as he placed his head in his hands.

"She's dead."

"It's your fault."

"She went there for you." The voices in his head attacked. He shook his head as he quickly stood up grabbing the pad of paper next to the bed. He began to sketch out a battle plan. 

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