It has to be Lady Gaga

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It had been three days since their meeting at Stefani's house and two days since he sent their recording in which they sang together to the Warner Brothers,  when he finally received a message from them, in which they said:· Dear Bradley,It has been an incredible experience to hear you sing with such naturalness and dedication, you may not be a musician but you really look like him. As for Lady Gaga we believe that it is still a better option to get Beyoncé back in the project since she is the most awarded artist alive so far and has an incredible voice.·Bradley could not believe what he was reading and replied angrily:· I compliment you on your compliments, but I am sorry to say that for my part, without Lady Gaga there is no film. I agree that Beyoncé is a great artist, but you did not see the magic and vulnerability that Gaga showed at the Sean Parker gala, and believe me, that's what the character of Ally needs.·A few hours passed and Bradley was still disappointed by the Warner Brothers message, he could not stop thinking about Stefani playing "La Vie en Rose" and at the time playing piano with her at home; Suddenly he remembered that he must have gone to the airport to pick up Irina who was arriving from New York an hour ago. He looked at his phone and had several missed calls from Irina and decided to call her. 

She angrily wanted to know why he had not come to pick her up, so Bradley had to invent that he was in a very important meeting with the Warner Brothers, which seems that his film will come true soon.

Irina hadn't yet arrived home when Bradley received another message from the Warner Brothers in which they accepted Lady Gaga as main character if they both proved they had chemistry in a screen test.·Yes!!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! Finally, good news. · He could not stop smiling and screaming with emotion.He didn't take two minutes to write to Stefani: · I have great news for you. They would accept your participation in the film if we showed in a screen test that you and I have chemistry.·To which she responded: · Oh my Gosh Bradley! It's amazing! and believe me, we will achieve it, I am very sure, you and I are good at connecting, you know that we connect from the moment I opened the door of my house, and that our song on the piano was really good and it seemed that we had sung together many times ·.

Bradley didn't know why, but when he read Stefani's words he could not stop the tears from slipping down his face.

Irina arrived, and Bradley was so excited that he grabbed his girlfriend and kissed her so eagerly that she could not help but surrender to his desire. They had not seen each other for days, and the desire was so great that they ended up making love on the couch.

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