Back on a stage

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Everything was going according to plan, Lady Gaga who had arrived at the gala with Bob Campbell and Mark Ronson, who is her newest new producer for her next record, and she would go on stage and give the best of herself for a great cause like this is celebrated tonight . It had been two months since Lady Gaga had steeped onto a stage to sing, and for some reason she felt something special that night. She was the last to act and wanted to make a good impression on all those people who had come for cancer benefit.
There were a total of six songs that Mather Monster sang that night, among which "Bad Romance" that she did more than a year and a half that she didn't sing live, a jazz version of "You And I, "New York, New York ", and" La Vie en Rose "by Edith Piaf.
What she couldn't imagine was that she had managed to thrill Bradley Cooper who was among the guests at the gala.
Bradley couldn't believe everything that Lady Gaga had made him with her version of the French song, the same musician who dazzled so many at the 2015 Oscars, but then, for him it was just a one more great performance.
Gaga came down from the stage and found the bluest eyes she had ever seen, which somehow made her feel special. Those blue eyes were those of Bradley, who did not know how to act when he crossed with the green of Gaga's eyes, and that somehow he had approached the stage to transmit to her everything that he felt after her performance. Gaga was lost among the guests and Bradley couldn't talk to her, but luckily he got the phone from her manager, who didn't hesitate a second to provide it as it could only bring good things that a great Hollywood star would be interested in Lady Gaga.
On the way home Bradley was still thinking about Gaga's performance and what she had made him feel, and what he could do to make her the star of his first project as director, which will be another remake of "A Star Is Born ". 'She will be Aly! She has to be her!'
Bradley could not sleep that night. The seconds were minutes and the minutes were hours, he could not wait to talk to the manager of Lady
It was such an insomnia that he started looking for teachers of singing, piano and guitar on the Internet because if Gaga gave his yes, and the Warner Brothers gave their approval, he should become a musician to play the main character of his film.
Early in the morning he managed to fall asleep, but not before remembering the most beautiful eyes he saw in his life, which with a little luck he could look at every day during a long season.

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