Chapter 25- suspicion

Começar do início

" wait you think it's them" Tyler asked

" yea" I said

" how come" Louis said

" well for first she did say she was close to them and they are exactly like each other...she said she will go to Luke which that is where the Devils Angels work at an-

" that doesn't prove a lot though did you check for any tattoos" nick then said

" well I know Jade has a rose tattoo on her thigh and a tattoo on her stomach well that is what it looks like" I said

"...what's the plan then" Jason said

" well the plan is to follow them when they leave but don't get to close when they get near Luke's place. We wait till they leave the place and follow them again but remember keep a distance. When they stop and get off there bikes do the same and quickly but quietly take them out one by one and careful with Ethan" I said

" yes sir" they all said in a joking manner

" but that could be any day" I said

" right" Tyler said

" and it might not even go as planned" Louis said

" yea it's a 50/50" I said

" we just need to find out if it's true about them" I said now sitting at the table

" why do we even the money we have enough and plus we can stop working for him" Louis said

" well guess what Louis" I said

" I don't care how much money we have it's a fun job...don't you think" I said

" sometimes" he said as I nodded

" what are we going to do in the mean time but nick should get back up there and apologize" Tyler said

" not happening" Nick said

" why not" Louis said

" because it's a dumb idea didn't you see that Cora was going to shoot one of us and when I grabbed jade all of there attention was on me" he explained

" yea I guess they hate us after that and...the day before mostly jade" Louis said

" what are you thinking it about her" I ask

" who jade" he said

" ...don't worry about it" he said standing up and walking towards the door

" just want her for a bit" he said now exiting the room

" I swear you guys really want me to kill you" I said

" nah man we just play to much" Jason said

"...right you still didn't answer my question from earlier" I said as his eyes darting to mines

" I don't have to answer" he said

" Why Did You Slam Her On The Ground..Jason" I said more threatening

" because I was afraid that she was going to let our identity out and I don't want her to escape" he said

" she CLEARLY said that she won't and she hasn't all because you pulled the gun out and I did as well even threaten her do you think that is enough to scare her off" I yelled

" yea th-That but y-

" I'm sorry to interrupt but she did say she was not scared of us" Tyler said

" you're right but I'm guessing because she has seen us many times" I said

" what am i going to do with theses girls they are so complicated but yet relatable, shit " I mumble

" this is the hardest and longest hunt we have ever had" Tyler said then throwing him self on the couch

" you want to sneak in later and see what they got" Jason then said

" I mean it's not a bad idea but it's risky" I said

" yea but we just knock them out" Jason said

" hell no are you crazy" I laughed

" what you scared" he smirked

" I wouldn't do that I'm just not really wanting to go in there home again" I said

" yea true" Tyler said

" you saw Cora she looked ready to kill us and didn't take her eyes off of jade they really love her" Tyler said

" wrong" I said

" they all have a strong bond you saw how they protected Harper and how they all protect each other actually" I said

" yea we did" Tyler said

" are we done for the day I'm tired and beaten up literally" nick said

" next time don't do that to her" I said

" SEE I knew you liked her that's why we are taking so long to figure her out" he said proudly

" wrong she has a very weird past and I need to figure it out and send the information to the boss so he tell us if we can kill her or not" I explained while he nodded

" okay smart ass let's just go" he said walking up the stairs

' let's the waiting game begin'

The Gangsters Target ✅I guessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora