The Great Camp Race

Start from the beginning

"O-Over me?"

"She used to be crazy for you," Mary gushed, Molly reaching to shut her up.

"But poor Molly, you never noticed her, despite her efforts," Irene spat, "So now she's moved on. You're too late."

"Uh, alright," Sherlock shrugged, "I'm glad you and Tom are happy then."

"Have you no shame?" Mary gasped disbelievingly, "She cared about you and you just brush her off, even now!"

"Mary--" Molly tried.

"No, Mol, it's not okay! This guy, he-he's a FREAK, a-a MACHINE!"

Sherlock stood still, utter hurt etched onto his features, "I-I'm sorry--"

"You should be," Mary growled, "You stay away from her. You won't cause her any more hurt, you monster."


"Come on, Sherlock," John led him away, towards the cabins.

"This is why I don't like girls," Sherlock began to rant, "All they do is cause drama and trouble and chaos! Can't they see? It was obvious Molly liked me, but I couldn't return her feelings, so I try to ignore and move on instead of milling about it! It's hard, but that's life!"

"It's okay, Sherlock. Mary's just blowing off steam. I bet she's stressed right now, is all. Maybe a similar situation on her end," John theorized.

Sherlock chuckled, "You think?"


"She likes YOU, John..."

"She DOES?! Crap..." John muttered.

"Whatever. It's race time."


"Welcome to the Great Camp Race!" Henry announced to all, "Here's how it'll work: The swimmers will swim from the shore to the dock, where they'll tag the log roller, who will log roll for 25 seconds. Then, they will tag the first runner, who will do a lap around to tag the second runner, who'll run half a lap to the archer, who will shoot 1 bullseye before tagging the scavengers, who must find 3 hidden objects before tagging the canoers, who will canoe to the buoys and back before tagging the fire starters, who must build a fire big enough to burn through this suspended string, once done, the whole team must run and ring that bell. Any questions?"

Nobody had anything to ask or add, thank goodness, so we could move on.

"Okay swimmers, line up on the shore!"

"Good luck, John," Sherlock wished his friend - or, boyfriend? - good luck as he removed his shirt and lined up accordingly.

"On your marks," Carl yelled, "Get set, GO!"

Of course, John was in front. He kept his lead all the way to the dock, where he waited to help Mary up.

Mary ran to tag Molly, who expertly log-rolled for 25 seconds. Cabin 1 was running a sweet lead.

Sherlock was ready at his post when he felt Molly gingerly tap his shoulder. Time to go.

Time to run.

He took off like the Flash, his long legs obviously coming in handy to propel him forward fast.

But the lap was long, and he quickly grew tired. He saw someone catching up. No, he thought, Don't lose the team's lead.

But despite his efforts, someone from Cabin 2 passed him. Must be on the football team.

He reached Irene and sent her on her lap, almost collapsing with exaustion. John ran up with a wet towel, which he must've used on himself, and draped it over Sherlock's shoulders.

"Thanks, John."

"Let me get you some water. Be right back!" With that, John took off, leaving Sherlock to sit on a rock, panting and drenched in lake water from the towel and his own sweat.


A sweet voice sounded beside him. He turned to see Molly. Great, what now?

"I-I'm sorry about earlier, Mary's really stressed and she lost it. She's sorry too, but she hates apologizing so..." Molly murmured quietly.

"Yeah, that's okay. Human error, one of the many. I forgive you - well, Mary."

Molly nodded happily and left as John arrived with a water bottle, which Sherlock downed half of.

"Wow. Tough, eh?"

"Yeah. And I ruined our lead," the tired boy sighed.

"Ah, oh well. Remember what I said? Not the Olympics."

Sherlock nodded, trying to believe what John said. But he still believed they'd lost because of him.

Sure enough, someone rang the bell. The winners were not Cabin 1, and that's Sherlock's fault.

"Come on!" Raz called to them, "They've burned the string! Everyone run!!"

The whole team, exaustion aside, ran to ring the bell triumphantly. Second Place.

"Second! See? Not bad!" John said enthusiastically.

"We would've gotten first," Sherlock grumbled, "If I hadn't fucked up."

"Sherlock, remember? Friendly competition. It wasn't you. Don't beat yourself up!"

"Right John," Sherlock mumbled, "I'll be happy, for you."

John sighed, "No - for YOU."


So I hope you liked this chapter! Exciting races and gay jokes are always fun :) ;)

Leave a vote and a comment maybe? Only if you've got the time.

COUNTDOWN TILL FINALE: 2 more chapters until the final!

So remember, y'all just keep being y'all!



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