{Clementine x fem reader x Violet}

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For the last episode "Take us back" is when Clem gets a big cut on her left leg then gets bit by a walker then gets her leg chopped off by AJ and lives.

But Tenn or Violet/Louis die in the last episode which will not happen same thing with Clem and her leg she will not get a big cut on her leg so...yay (0-0')

So enjoy the last part and I might do a bonus one for the modern area so enjoy 0(O////O)0
Clem's P.O.V

I woke up breathing really hard the bomb on the boat just went off,I looked next to me to see Lilly's body I then looked down at the water to see a bunch of walkers,I found AJ by him yelling my name he was hanging by a piece of the boat I caught him I told AJ to jump off the boat and found somewhere to land.

We both got off the boat successfully and we watched as the boat burned down,the boat exploded and everything went black from there.

I woke up groaning I was facing the ground when I heard a walker coming my direction,I tried to get up in time to grab my bow when someone shot the walker's head making it drop,after the smoke cleared (Y/N) was the one that killed the walker with a pistol she probably stoled from one of the raiders.

I got up from the ground "(Y/N)! You made it!"AJ yelled as he ran to (Y/N) hugging her leg,(Y/N) smiled patting his head AJ pulled away staring up at her looking at her face "We're really sorry about your eye"AJ apologized "Thank god,you're okay"I said wrapping my arms around her (Y/N) did the same returning the hug.

We found Violet by the side of the water having a walker on her leg (Y/N) shot the walker,"You good there flower?"(Y/N) said helping Violet up we found the rest of the kids that got off the boat they were hiding behind some carts,we took cover there "Shit,there's more walkers then I can count"Violet said crouching back down "Stay cool,we knew this would happen"I said I looked over at (Y/N) was probably trying to make a plan so we can get pass these walkers.

"How's your eye?"I asked (Y/N) looked at me and smiled "If you mean sight wise I can't see,pain isn't that bad I can deal with it but at least I got one eye left to see you"(Y/N) said giving me the most idiotic grin I rolled my eyes but I had a small smile on my face,we found where Willy and Ruby are with a horse and an cart as the rest of us made our way to the cart me,AJ,and (Y/N) stood behind shooting walkers more like me and (Y/N) are.

After we got most of the walkers out of the way (Y/N) looked at me straight in the face grabbing me by my shoulders,"Okay,Clem I'm going to the cart then you follow behind right?"(Y/N) said I nodded my head then (Y/N) gave me a kiss on the cheek she smiled at me and made her way to the cart,Minerva was fighting off the walkers she got bit on her cheek and arm she spotted me she yelled my name before she could throw a grenade at me I shot an arrow at her shoulder making her drop the grenade.

Then the grenade went off by us I grabbed AJ using myself as a shield for him,the grenade going off scared the horse making the horse run away with the rest of us,AJ spotted Tenn we ran over to Tenn then we ran more to see James standing by a cave we all go into the cave to get away from the walkers for now.

Me and James had a fight about AJ's future then to AJ admitting he liked killing Lilly,I convinced James that you can't force people into believing what you believe and said I want a life without walkers or thinking about how I'm going to leave this world,James was convinced and stood behind to protect us from the herd of walkers.

We made it outside the cave we met Violet who came looking for us she said (Y/N)'s okay and is getting her eye fixed up,Violet led us to a  broken down bridge that once we cross it we will be not to far away from the school,when Minerva somehow survived against those walkers finding us leading more walkers to us,we had a fight on the bridge Minerva be eaten by walkers we jumped across the bridge safely trying to escape the walkers on the bridge.

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