Chapter 16 : A true old friend

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Author's note : 20th day after Hiccup left Berk . Here you have an image with Hiccup's face . Just that he was meant to look like in the first season .

Hiccup's POV

I heard a gasp behind me which made me jump a little and I almost dropped the hood which I was holding in my hands . "Hiccup ?" I heard the same voice asking with astonishment in a wisper . I turned over and I saw Gobber lowering his crossbow . He was relieved to see me . He suddenly dropped his weapon and began to slowly come towards me with a soft expression of his face . I instictually tried to back thinking he would take me to Stoik . But there was only the wall behind me . And I saw that the other exit was locked . I could shift into my night fury form and simply run past him but I want to keep this as a last resort . I am still not sure of what he will do . I was scared . He soon was just half a feet from me .

Gobber's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes . Hiccup was right here in front of me . I was so glad to meet him again . Now I'm happy I couldn't find anyone in the village to help me guard the forge . But what was he doing here ? I began walking towards him . He backed untill he reached the wall and saw that the exit from behind him was locked . I could say he was really scared . What could make him come back here after how he was treated ? Not to mention he was exiled and I guess he knew he could be killed if he came back . Not many treated him well on Berk .

Hiccup's POV

"Gobber . Please ! I can explain ." I said trying to find an explaination for why I am here in the forge on Berk when I was supposed to be banished . Then he came even closer not changing his soft expression and he suddenly hugged me . "I'm so happy to see you , Hiccup ." he said . Then I knew he doesn't mean any harm . Still I almost had no air . "Me too , Gobber . Me too ." I said while I was squised .

Then he let go of the bear hug and I gasped for air . "What are you doing here ?" he asked . I guess he was confused and wanted to know what was so important to make me come here even if I was exiled . "Ummm ... crafting ... something ?" I said trying to avoid the subject . "What can be so important to you to craft that you came here ? Especially knowing why you had to leave ." he asked . I looked for my sketches book . It was on the table . He saw it and went to the table to take a better look . "What is this ?" he asked confused . "Ermm ... an experiment ! Yeah I-I try to build ... a-aaa flying costume . For me to fly by myself . Yeah , that's all ." I lied . "You had never been good at lying , Hiccup . I want the truth ." he demanded with a serious face .

I sighed . "Fine . I am building a tail fin for a dragon who lost one of his tail fins . He can't fly with only one tail fin . He needs this to fly ." I replied . I'm part dragon so I guess I didn't lie this time .

"Is it for your night fury friend who helped you leave ?" he asked . "Y-yes ." I said looking down . I couldn't tell him I'm part dragon . I am already unsure about what he would say . "Also are you the one who came four nights ago to the forge ?" he asked and seemed to get even more serious . "Yes ." I slimply replied not making eye contact with him .

"Well then you don't have to sneak anymore when you come to the forge . You're welcome to craft here during the night time while nobody else sees you ." he said with a smile . I hugged him . "Thank you , Gobber . You always understood me ." I said . He hugged me back . This time without squising the air out of me . "Don't hurry up mister . In exchange I want you to tell me how you made me chase you through the forest four nights ago for more than a quarter of an hour while you crafted in the forge ." Gobber said with a smile and then he paused looking down . "And how did you lose your foot ?" he asked . "Actually you only chased me untill I got in a bush . From there on you've been chasing Toothless . He ran out of the bush when I got in it ." I explained . "Toothless ?" he asked confused . "Oh , yeah . He's the night fury who helped me leave ." I added . "Now that I think better I couldn't see you anymore after you went it that bush and I could only hear bushes being shaken and sometimes sticks being cracked . And it also explains the roar ." he said stroking his chin . "He just wanted to warn me that you were coming . He's friendly when you get to know him ." I said . "So that's how you knew that you had to run out of the forge . I should say . Very good plan ." Gobber told me . "But you still didn't tell me how you lost your foot ." he added .

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