Chapter 1

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We almost won the war. Almost

The year is 2945. Exactly ten centuries since World War Two ended. Is it coincidence that aliens declared war against humans that exact year? I don't think so. Had they been watching us all the time? We will probably never know. 

Well, as I was saying, a war started. Humans versus aliens. We ended up making an absolute mess of the planet. Huge rainforests vanished, large coastlines were flooded due to artificially provoked earthquakes or tsunamis, and entire cities collapsed. Washington, LA, London, Beijing,.. in ruins.

 But, the good side was that we were winning. Were. Thankfully, the aliens' technology wasn't as advanced as ours, so we could blast down their spaceships and battle against them without too many losses.

Once again, I will mention that we were very close to winning. There were very few aliens left, hiding in caves and in the underground, but when it was almost over and we were about to finish them off for good, that's when it happened. They created and unleashed their deadly weapon, a weapon very hard to describe.

It was like a ghostly wind, formed out of half-visible black clouds and echoing booms or screeches of some sound ten times louder than the regular thunder. Some called it the mist. Others, the shadow. But you may call it whatever you like, once you got yourself lost in that horrorizing black fog, there was no going back. It was the end for you. Its real name was skêtior, which translated from the alien language means "terror".

So, this black mist spread through the entire earth destroying everything in its way. We lost thousands and thousands every day, and everybody just scattered and fled and hid from that deadly creature, like mice hiding from a cat.

But then, out of the blue surged the Survivor Alliance, an organization with a plan to survive, hence the name. They grouped together as many people as possible and explained to them their plan. It  consisted in re-organizing humanity, in groups of four hundred to five hundred people, and then to spread out across the globe, in search of pieces of valuable technology. Their idea was to then construct an enormous spaceship for all of the survivors, and afterwards escape off the planet, which was barely uninhabitable. At the moment, they are thinking of going to mars, where we have supplies and life starting to grow.

Practically everyone thought that it was our only hope of survival, so we agreed to the plan and  we all set to work, splitting into the groups and setting out into the wilderness, in search of the materials and the technology for building the ship.

And so far, that's basically what's happened with humanity until the present day. It is now June,  2971. Twenty-six years since the start of the war, and nine since the creation of the Survivor Alliance (SA). I, Edgar, am fifteen years old and I'm with about four hundred and fifty other people here, currently in the south of a country that used to be called the USA.

Will we be able to find enough materials to make a spaceship to fit everyone, and get off this destroyed, unfixable planet? I really hope so. I really do.

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