42. Red Viper

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Tiona gave me and Robb small room in the corner of the house, only a bed could fit inside of the crammed little room

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Tiona gave me and Robb small room in the corner of the house, only a bed could fit inside of the crammed little room. It was Jaspers old room. When she told us that information I told Robb I had no intention of sleeping in it and would rather sleep on the rocks outside. 

"Are you serious Fawn?" He whisper yelled at me but I just crossed my arms across my chest and frowned.  "You can't be serious!?" He repeated the same question just a but different this time and more annoyed.

"I am serious Robb I am not sleeping in the Jaspers room, he died." I said making sure to whisper really low the last part.

"Yes he did rest his soul, but not in that room and I need to rest and you do too. Can you stop making it harder than it already is and can we please go sleep inside now." He said pointing to the door few feet away from us. I glanced to the wooden door and sucked in my lip between my teeth, dreading of entering the room.

"We can go sleep in the living room or in the shed outside." I proposed but Robb didn't like it, he closed his eyes then rubbed his eyes for a few moments intently then looked at me.

"Fawn it's really late now and we are bickering like an old couple in the middle of the dark hallway.." He yawned stretching his arms over his head.

"And your point is?" I raised my eyebrow at him and he bit the inside of his cheek, anger radiated off him but I could not care less.

"My point is that I am tired and want to sleep." He gritted his teeth.

"Then lets go sleep in the living room." I said turning on my heel and walking down the hallway to the front of the house. But I heard no steps following me and stopped glancing behind. "Are you coming?"

"Sleep tight Fawn." Robb said sending me a little wave then walked up to the room and inside closing the door behind him. I wanted to go there and knock on his door until he is too tired and obliges with my wishes but instead I raised my head like a hurt little child and stomped in the living room with the blanket I was holding all this time in my arms.

I placed the blanket next the fire place but the fire was out. I looked around the small kitchen to try and find something to light the fire with and in the process knocked down some pots. After a few minutes I gave up and snuggled on the cold floor trying to get as close to the burnt out fire as I could to provide me some warmth. As I placed my blanket on the floor now I had nothing to cover myself with so I just wrapped my arms around me.

"Such a gentleman, King in the North." I grunted to myself as I tossed and turned trying to find the comfortable spot. "I will kill him tomorrow, son of a b-" I was startled by a pyramid of pots, I made seconds ago when scaveging the room, crushing to the ground. They landed next to the table with a loud bang and one rolled all the way to me then stopped. I groaned out loud rubbing my temples glancing up and down the room then turned my back on the mess I made.

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