
Start from the beginning

Hana 👸
you'll perform all of the things you missed in no time 😉

Seungmin 🌞
thank youuuu 😘

Seungmin 🌞
by the way hows your project?

Hana 👸

Hana 👸
i didnt want you to ask that 😂

Seungmin 🌞
why??? 😂

Seungmin 🌞
you can ask help from meeeee 😄

Hana 👸
thats what im avoiding

Hana 👸
no offence 😂

Seungmin 🌞
what is it that you dont want my help with? 😂

Hana 👸
its kinda a big favor...

Hana 👸
but can you sing for me?

Seungmin 🌞
what...? 😂

Hana 👸
thats one of my projects...

Hana 👸
but then i cant sing so i will just play the piano

Hana 👸
but then no one wants to pair up with me because they say im too talented 🙃

Seungmin 🌞
theyre not wrong 🙋

Seungmin 🌞
but yeah im up for it 👍

Hana 👸
really????? thank youuuuuu 💞💞💞

Seungmin 🌞
but i have one condition 😉

Hana 👸
ohhhh ok what is it?

Seungmin 🌞
im not forcing you or using your project as an excuse but...

Seungmin 🌞
would you go out on a date with me? 😊

Hana 👸

Hana 👸
you... you could have just asked and i would say yes even if it was or wasnt a condition 😂

Seungmin 🌞
oh sorry about that 😔

Seungmin 🌞
but really? if i asked you out... you would say yes?

Hana 👸

Seungmin 🌞

Seungmin 🌞

Hana 👸
is that allowed?

Seungmin 🌞

Hana 👸
im pretty sure you cant date at the moment...

Seungmin 🌞
it doesnt have to be outside 💁

Hana 👸
but still... its too risky

Hana 👸
i heard what happened to one of the trainees there and he was fired due to him dating despite the rules being strictly implied

Seungmin 🌞

Seungmin 🌞
youre probably right

Hana 👸
maybe we should call it off...

Seungmin 🌞
maybe next time?

Hana 👸
sure 😄 ofc when youre already allowed...

Hana 👸
i dont want you to be fired

Seungmin 🌞

Seungmin 🌞
i have to go... practice and stuff

Hana 👸
good luck 💕

Seungmin 🌞

ѕтaтυѕ: turn αrσund

Replied | Kim Seungmin Where stories live. Discover now