chapter 1 - the break up

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Evelyn's pov
I was in my room watching tv until I got a text from max, Max is my boyfriend we were together for a year now, I check his message and he said this.

Max: Happy one-year anniversary Evelyn, um...can we meet each other today?

I read his text and I smiled by seeing his text I then replied.

Evelyn: Happy anniversary too max, I almost forgot, and of course we can meet, where?

I replied back.

Max: To where the first time we met.

he texts back and that made me curious, why so sudden?.

Evelyn: Why?.

I text back asking him.

Max: Just please meet me, meet me at 6 pm there

he texted back.

Evelyn: Okay then, now I'm gonna go get ready.

I texted back, I was so excited cause I love the place where we first met, it's on a sidewalk with a big tree, now I think it's a date! Maybe a secret date, now I have to get ready.

2 hours later
It's finally time! it's now 5:59 pm, I know I'm gonna be late but it's only a 2-minute walk from my house, I wore my favorite color today...white, I wore a plain and simple white dress.

After putting my shoes on, I grabbed my phone and keys and head out to meet max.

2 minutes later
I was finally on the spot where we first met but looks like he is still not here, I then checked my phone for the time and it's already 6:05 pm, I look up and I saw him walking towards me, I run to him and hug him but he gently pushed me away, he is acting strange, Since two weeks ago he started to act like this.

"What's wrong with you? I have been noticing your actions since two weeks ago...when we met you are not like this...what is wrong with you?" I said asking him worried.

"Evelyn...i'm sorry... I'm not here to go on a date with you.." he said apologizing, I just looked at him blankly as my hands started shaking and I stopped in place.

"W-what do you mean max?" I utter asking him confuse as my heart starts to ache.

" know I loved you right?" he asks me while he holds onto my shoulder, which made me look into his eyes.

"Y-yes...what about it?" I asked him while looking at him in the eyes he just avoided my eyes, he sighed before answering.

" know, my mom doesn't like you right?" he said asking me again, really!? it's about this topic again, I already told him that don't bring this topic up.

"Yeah, I tried everything for her to like me," I said annoyed as I looked down onto my feet.

"Well....she wants me to break up with you," he said as my head turns to look back at him again.

"Y-you are not gonna d-do it right?" I asked him hoping he would say yes, this is just making me nervous, my voice is starting to shake, please say yes!

"Sorry evelyn...but I'm breaking up with you," he said that made my eyes start to tear up, I pushed his hands from my shoulders, he then looks down to the floor, I looked at him with teary eyes.

"Why?! What's the reason huh?" I said asking him while my tears fell one by one,

I was looking at him while he is still looking down.

"I'm gonna get married to my mom's friend's daughter," he said that made my heart broke, even more, my tears start to fall faster, I just look to the side crying.

"Why don't you refuse it?" I asked him as I looked back at him, he then looks up to me, looking me in the eyes.

"Cause she will abandon me," he said looking at me with tears in his eyes, I just looked at him unbelievably.

"WHY!? WHY CAN'T YOU FIGHT FOR OUR RELATIONSHIP HUH?! WHY?! TELL ME!!" I said screaming at him, just then it starts raining hard, but I didn't care.

"Sorry Evelyn, but I need too, I need to bring an end to this relationship, you are just my fake girlfriend sorry if I didn't tell you sooner," he said as I cry harder by the sudden confession he made, I'm his what? Fake girlfriend? What!? I loved someone who used me?

"S-so is t-this why y-your mom h-hate me?" I asked him shuttering, as I try to be stable with my words and he just nod his head, I just scoffed.

"Why didn't you tell me!!!" I said screaming at him while I hit him in the chest but he stopped me by holding my wrist.

"I don't want us to fight, Now..go home, you will get sick it's raining," he said turning his back at me letting go of my hands, he was about to go but I hug him from behind not letting him go.

"Please max, don't do this!!" I said hugging him tightly, he turns to me breaking the hug, I looked at him, I can see him crying hard too, I'm his fake girlfriend right? Why is he crying?

"Sorry, Evelyn but it's...over," he said crying while he whipped my tears with his thumb.

"Please max," I said crying more begging him to stay.

"Here take this," he said as he grabs my hand again, and he took out something and he places it on my hand I open my hand and saw a necklace, it's a heart shape glass necklace.

"Max, what is the meaning behind this?" I said as I look at it, he then made me look at him in the eyes.

"If it broke that means I don't love you any more if it doesn't until I get back that means I still love you and coming back to be with you again..." he said as he once turns his back at me.

"Sorry Evelyn, but... I think, this is my last goodbye" he said as he walks away leaving me behind, I just stare at him while I can't no longer see him from the sidewalk, the rain was pouring hard and my eyes are all blurry, I start walking from the other side of the path while holding the necklace hard on my hand, I can't no longer tell where I'm going,

"He loves me...he will come back" I repeated, I then hear a car coming at me, I looked to the side and saw lights, then everything went black, the necklace, hope it didn't break.

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