Of The Pharaoh's Blood (Chapter 9)

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His eyes widened with the shine of the gun's barrel glinting within his reflecting irises, his glare gazing upon the locked and loaded weapon within the mafia-mother's lethal grasp and the eyes behind the mask didn’t seem to be showing any mercy anytime soon.

James knew he would have to think quickly once he saw the increasing progress that the enemy's finger was making towards the trigger, he quickly swung his body back before launching forward with the built up momentum before the shot could pierce his skin, only managing a mere tear in his shirt's fabric before the alleged mystery woman lowered her gun to the sight of James climbing up onto the roof, holding his footing with a well-devised stance which withheld the full force of the wind behind him as the train rocked while travelling its defined trail. They glared eye to eye before Mockingjay spoke, her voice curious yet angered,

“You stand upon this shifting platform as if you were skilled with previous experience.”

James simply laughed and shrugged while still holding firm in the combat stance,

James simply laughed and shrugged while still holding firm in the combat stance,

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“This isn’t my first rodeo and I don’t intend on it being my last.”

Mockingjay seemed to chuff at this out of humorous intent before lowering her head,

“We will see about that, Bond.”

though the hate filling her words alarmed James enough to quickly duck as she raised the gun and shot again though releasing two bullets uncomfortably close to James with one but nicking his leg with the other causing red to stain the carriage roof below James' feet which also brought back faint memories from when he was in a similar situation with a target on the roof of a train, blood spilled but it was Eve behind the gun. He winced before restabilising himself and running at the woman who braced herself just before impact, grabbing him by the waist and ramming her knee into his stomach before feeling him hunch over against her side and then suddenly raising out of nowhere, smashing his head into her bottom jaw, causing the female to stumble back and fall against the roof, dropping the gun and disarming her.

“Now, it is about time we see who you are, killer.”

James spoke before taking this opportunity to walk over as she held a hand to the bottom of her mask though as James reached for the mask, her hand suddenly gripped the bottom to try and hold it down, grunting and grumbling ensued shortly after due to James and Mockingjay going against each other’s forces but ultimately James won, ripping the mask off of the woman and for once during all of their encounters, he finally got to see her face though he wished he didn’t. He stumbled back and dropped the mask, staring at her with old memories resurfacing within his hopeless pupils staining his lost gaze, his hands trembled.

Mockingjay glared at the sharp-dressed man with her deep chocolate brown eyes that looked as if fuel had been thrown into a fire, her jaw toning shades of purples and blues from the head collision she caught earlier, her skin was as fair as humanly possible with light tones of white blocking out the red blood beneath, not a flaw to her facial skin, her bleached blonde hair shimmering in the mid-day Mexican sunlight and the coat that blew gently upon her shoulders fixated on going with the flow of the deserted wind of the old train, James examined the embodiment of his past and then watched as she quickly snatched her mask off of the train roof before it fell off and dusted it off, grabbing the gun as well and swinging back down into the carriage to hide though James was quick to the act of getting up and following through the opposite carriage entrance.

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