Trap Set (Chapter 7)

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The villain glared to James from behind her mask and though he couldn’t see the murderous insanity she hid behind those evil-intentioned eyes, her burning threats began stabbing through the light-lacked atmosphere and proceeded to singe black scars through his soul, sending fear through his bloodstream like a lethal virus before she turned with a slight of the deadly and stalking predator’s heel.

The woman turned to the right of the stage, leaving the scene just as quick as she appeared.

The coat that seemingly draped over her shoulders blew in the air without a breeze yet only by mere forced movement, glimmering a soft and dark grey once it collided with the beams of the astral lunar above them, seeping through the crack-ridden r...

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The coat that seemingly draped over her shoulders blew in the air without a breeze yet only by mere forced movement, glimmering a soft and dark grey once it collided with the beams of the astral lunar above them, seeping through the crack-ridden roof like a snake slithering into the burrow of a mouse in search of prey to sink its fangs into for a feast. James sat there before jumping at the sight of everyone rising in one swift motion, in sync like the hell-sent marching band they imitated and clearly left the pair in the hall of ghosts, they sat for a moment before locking eyes and instantly exchanging a look of hidden horror, rising onto the same wavelength of first impressions towards this enemy. James stood up with Eve staying close behind like a pair of newborn foals with no mother to hide them from the hunting lion's watchful eyes that bled hunger.

“We have to go back, Bond.”

Eve spoke with a voice only showing a shaking rattle of tone, seeing a dangerous look in his eyes as he glared at the stage, he wanted to put his next bullet in her head, using the same gun he has used to spill many pools of crimson before. Eve quickly grabbed his arm and shook him, seeing his emotions overtaking him,

“Bond, no!”

she squeezed his arm and tried pulling but was gotten rid of from contact instantly in a snap back,

“Eve. We have to end her, how many more lives do you want her to take?! She has already killed a member while we have been here, not to mention the four members before we even got here and oh yeah, let me remind you of her more than likely having other agents' deaths on her hands that just haven’t been uncovered yet!”

he yelled, fearful yet extremely vengeful thoughts slipping through his vocal tone levels to spell a disastrous and selfish plan, a perfectly horrible concoction that Eve instantly took away from him like a mother and her child's toys as punishment. She scowled instantly in a just-as-loud voice,

“What is wrong with you?! They have Q. I don’t care what your motive is, Bond. But right now? If you go after that psycho. What do you think is going to happen? Because I do. The blood of a close friend will be spilled and I sure as hell know it won’t be on the hands of the one who pulled the trigger.”

she reminded before there was silence for a moment, standing face-to-face with invisible forces pulling their energy as seconds passed, James eventually gave in and huffed childishly which Eve frowned at, shoving a finger into his chest with teary eyes glassing over like a crystallizing raindrop in a blizzard,

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