Arrival of An Unexpected

Start from the beginning

I then sit up and pulling the cover up with me to cover my front. My black hair falls behind me, almost turning into another cover. I look out the bright window, the sunlight pouring in making me squint my eyes. I put out my right hand in front of me, just like that day when Naraku and I looked at the sunset together at his castle. I feel Naraku shifting and sitting up beside me, he puts his right arm around my waist and gently pulls me into his strong chest. He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin against my temple.

"Naraku, can you promise me something?" I ask him.

"What is it?" He replies softly.

"Promise me that you won't leave me again, promise me that you won't hurt yourself or put yourself in potential danger either from now on. I don't want to lose you again, I've already lost you twice, once as a child, and once as an adult. I don't know how much more I can handle the heartache." I say to him.

I lift my head up and looked at Naraku, he's looking out the window, his red eyes looking more bright than usual. He then raise his left arm and puts his hand over my stretched arm, he then wraps his hand over mine and brings it back to his chest. He then looks down at me, our nose basically touching.

"I promise. No more heartache, no more lost or pain." He says.

I nod, I feel happy to hear him say that, but at the same time, it was hard for me to ask him that because of everything that has happened and the fact of who he was. Naraku leans down and his lips finds mine, his mouth gently caresses my lips over and over for seconds. I close my eyes and I let my heart erase that clenching painful feeling that I felt in this short moment. He pulls away and holds me to him, it's still quite early I think. I then gently pull the two of us back down onto the soft futon, I rest my head under his chin, his scent fills my senses. I close my eyes as I lose myself in this peaceful moment. I wake up to the sun, even brighter than earlier. I'm still in Naraku's embrace, his smooth chest filling my whole vision. Narakus shifts and his left hand comes up and touches my cheek.

"Did you sleep at all?" I ask him.

"Seeing your peaceful expression as you sleep is enough for me. Did you rest well?" He asks me.

I nod with a smile. I unhook my arms around his back and I stretch my arms and back, the cracking feeling and the change of position feels nice. I feel Naraku's arms tightening slighting around my waist and gently pulls me closer, I then rest my arms around his neck, his long black hair feeling silky and smooth despite the lovemaking from last night. His bright red eyes looking at me with affections.

"I suppose today is the day that we start our future together." Naraku says.

"Yes, although we can enjoy everyday together for these few months, but I have to return back home after half a year, I'll have to introduce you to my parents, tell them that you're the love of my life and that I want to have a future together with you, a demon." I say with a sigh.

"Are you worried that they won't accept me as a demon?" Naraku asks me tracing his thumb along my lips.

"To be honest, I am actually. But even If they won't accept you, I'll do my best to convince them. I'll show them just how much I treasure you. You'll stay with me and support me won't you? For us?" I say asking him.

Naraku gently smiles and holds my head to his chest and holds me close.

"That's the___________ that I know. I'll be right beside you so that you'll have the confidence and strength to prove our love." I hear him say quietly from above me.

I nod and smile. How much I love Naraku, I won't let him go again. We dress up and head out to start our day. I place the cherry blossom flower onto the table in our room. With our hands holding one another, I take Naraku to the big hut. Villagers are already out an about in the morning, I greet some of the villagers that I've come to know, they greet me but stays a bit unsure of Naraku. I suppose its normal, he's technically a stranger, and they might know who he was. I give his hand a squeeze to let him know that it doesn't matter because I'm here. We eventually arrive to the big hut, and I can already hear voices inside, guess everyone has gathered already for breakfast. I look at Naraku, his eyes turns to find mine.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now