No More Turning Back

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"We're not humans. We are demons. Ones you've happened to summon. To repay you, we have to be your Familiars for the rest of your life, or else we'll force you to be our Master. Are you okay with that, Pine Tree?"

Dipper didn't know what to say at the sudden confession.

Of course, he knew demons existed. He honestly thought they looked like one of those furry monstrous creatures with horns. Are the twins kidding with him?

Dipper laughed nervously, thinking it was a joke. He looked at the twins staring at him. No signs of jokes. And they looked serious.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't summon any demons or anything. Is this a joke?"

The twins sighed at the brunet's reaction. Bill stood up as he removed the black glove on his right hand with his teeth, handing it over to Will.

"Pine Tree, this is going to hurt for a bit, but it'll be worth it," the demon told the brown-haired teen.

"Huh? Wha—," the teen was cut off as the yellow-haired demon placed his hand on his forehead, where his birthmark was, and it glowed a bright yellow as time seemed to freeze.

Dipper felt pain, as if someone had hit his head with a metal bar multiple times. It caused him to cry out suddenly and grip his head tightly with both hands. The twins looked concerned for Dipper. They both felt pain, but not enough to kill them. It would take more than that.

Dipper saw flashes of what happened last night. He saw memories of the Gleeful twins chasing him towards the school training grounds, of him chanting unknown words, of him fainting and being saved by the two demons, before everything faded to black.

Dipper gasped as he opened his teary, brown eyes. The twins were gone. He looked around in mild confusion; everything was back to normal. The people around him started talking and moving again as if nothing had happened. Then, he looked at his hands, which held a small piece of parchment. Out of curiosity, he unfolded the paper and started to read:

Dear Pine Tree,

It's me, Bill. We have something to do right now. We will leave you with your choice. Remember, there's no turning back once you've made your decision. If you decided to be our master, then we'll help you with everything you need and serve you for the rest of your life. If not, we may not be able to hurt you, but no one said we can't do that to your family.

You see, Pine Tree, we'll cease to exist if our master rejects us. Obviously, we don't want that. We want to live.

Meet us in the school training grounds after school. We will wait for you.

—Love, Bill <3

Okay, he remembers everything now. He unconsciously summoned the two demons, and now he must take responsibility. He'll just have to accept them as his familiars, and that's it?... He's still confused as to what happened earlier. There must have been some kind of catch if that's what they wanted from him.

He needed someone to consult right now. There was his Grunkle Stan, who was already a retired wizard and nevertheless still had a familiar beside him. Or his Great Uncle Ford; he's always the one who usually knows what it means to be a magical being through his research. But, then again, he'd probably get scolded if they both found out that he'd just summoned two demons. Not just one, but two supposedly sinful beings. Who knows what would happened to he and his sister if the school ever found out.

So, none of those choices would ever work out. He'd have to keep it a secret from everyone else, even his sister.

He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, already feeling an incoming headache ready to bang on his head like earlier that morning.

Who could he consult with, then?..

... Oh wait... The journal. Why didn't he think of that before?

Hurrying, before the school bell rang, he rushed through the hallway to get his journal from the classroom. He quickly sat back down in his seat as he reached for the bag that had all the books he needed. He took out the six-finger, leather-covered journal. Opening it, he prayed to all the gods to let the book have a page on familiars or demons.

He silently thanked his Great Uncle Ford for writing a page about familiars when he found it:

Hm... Familiars are supposed to be beings that help wizards, mages, or witches with their work with magic. They are not to let their masters be hurt, or else they would feel it too. The master, however, will not feel pain if their Familiars are hurt. However, if one of the pair dies, the oother will too.

The ceremony includes the following pledges for each other:


I, (name), pledge to protect my master, (name), for the rest of his/her life. I will never abondon my master in any situation. I will obey every word my master has to order me, unless he/she was in clear danger.

After the Familiar says the pledge, they will then kiss the wrist of their master, where their symbol is. Usually, it's the sign of the familiar he/she have adored.

After that, the wizard or witch will say these words:

I, the master of this Familiar, pledge to share my magical powers with the Familiar in front of me, in exchange for their protection and assistance. I promise to take care of each other through thick and thin.

After the pledges are said, the Familiar should kiss their new master— yes, on the lips— to transfer their magical energies with each other. After the ceremony is over, the two beings should glow momentarily. This is normal, don't worry. They will feel a huge boost of power surging within them.

However, never make a demon your familiar. There is a fifty-fifty chance you'll be able to survive the process, and the master's going to go through heat within the first two months of being together, resulting in the demon assaulting their master. This all results from the presence of the demon. Don't blame me, I've warned you.

Dipper blinked at the new discovery. His life in line for power? No. That is not happening. But... If he refused the two beings, they'll hurt his sister.

He would do everything for his sibling. Even if it meant sacrificing his everything for her safety.

He sighed and waited for the next teacher. He'll figure it out later. Surely, nothing could go wrong...


Anyways, he'll take his mind off of things by listening to the teacher that just arrived and Tyrone's nagging beside him.


"Hey, Pine Tree!"

Dipper finally arrived at the school training grounds. He waved at the two demons wearing formal attire and a floating top hat.

"Have you made your choice, Dipper?," Will asked Dipper politely.

"... Yes. Yes I have."

"Good, what is your choice, then?," the golden-eyed twin asked.

"Alright, I agree. But, here's one more thing I must ask you two."

"What is it, Dipper?"

"D-Do we really have to k-kiss? And what about the 'heat' thing?," Dipper asked shamefully, blushing at his own question. Will giggled at the brunet's tinted face.

"Well, duh. Of course, we need to follow the procedures. And about the heat, you're going to release a tempting scent, but we swear not to do anything without your consent of course." Bill rolled his eyes as he spoke, eyeing the brown-haired boy.

Dipper sighed in relief as he was assured that he wasn't going to lose his virginity unwillingly.

"Okay, I'm fine now. Let's start the ceremony. Will, you're first. Bill, slow the time. Make sure no one's gonna barge in or anything."

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