Chapter 49

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Erika's POV
And it was 2:23 am and I just laid there thinking but it was about random things and I guess I was just laying there the whole night bc I heard our Alarm go off to go to school I got up and shook Jake and he got up and kisses me and got changed and so did it. We walked to the car and drove to school and I feel asleep in the car

J- Erika are u getting out we R at school
E- ....

Jakes POV
Erika didn't answer me so I went to her side and opened the door An- Denny down A- little to see that she was asleep I tried to wake her but she wouldn't get up. I wonder if she slept last night. I had to get her up school starts in 5 minutes. I kissed her in her lips and she slowly woke up and looked at me

J- did you sleep last night
E- yeah why
J- I don't believe you. You just feel asleep on A 5 min ride to school
E- fine I didn't I was up from 2:30
J- why what happened
E- idk I was just laying there
J- do u want to go home it's Monday and I don't think we will do anything
E- no it's okay let's go
J- if you want to go home just tell me and we will leave. We R- in all the same classes

Erika's POV
I was dying but I told Jake that we should just go. He backed Away from the door and he put his hand out and pulled me up and grabbed my bag and took my hand and lead us to the doors we went to his locker and put our things in there and went to our first class and I put my head on the desk And fell asleep and I woke up to Jake saying that we need to head to the next period. We got up and went to our next class and I did the Same thing I feel asleep and Jake woke me up and told me that we need to head out to our next class. We went to his locker and he grabbed our bags An- spit our books in it and grabbed my hand and was going out the school doors

E- Jake where R- we going
J- home
E- why
J- you feel asleep in two classes. You need to sleep
E- fine

They got in the car and drove to Jake. Jake went to Erika's door and took her hand and lead them inside and they took off there shoes and Jake scooped up Erika and brought her to the bed and laid her down and she feel asleep and Jake went to the game room

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