Chapter 14

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When they got to school everyone was looking at them

E- Jake why is everyone looking

J- um I don't know

By now everyone is coming close to them and whispering

J- babe just stay close

They walk down the hallway to Jakes locker and there r notes all over it saying bad things about Erika. He let's go off Erika's hand and ripped them off and put them in the trash. He had tears in his eyes and looked at Erika

E- Jake what did they say

J- n-nothing let's go home

E- why


Erika stood there with tears in her eyes looking at Jake. He grabbed her hand and left the out the doors And let go of Erikas hand went to the wall and slid down it and he sat there with his hand in his face

E- Jake*whisper*

He looked up at her

J- I'm sorry for yelling at u

E- I'll forgive you but you have to tell me what happened

J-*sighed*fine come here

Erika sat on his lap

E- okay now tell me

J- well the notes on the locker were talking about....about you

E- oh

J- I'm sorry

E- let's go home. We can just call the school and say that my wrist hurts

J- okay good idea

They got up and Jake kisses Erika and walked to the car And went to Jakes

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