Chapter 2

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Jakes POV
I was staring hard at the new girl when someone jumped on my back I knew it was Alex,I wasn't really happy to see her but I was her boyfriend ,she jumped down and she gave me a hug I hugged back then the squad started to come up to to us I did my hand shake with the boys then said hey to the girls

Tessa -t
MacKenzie -m

J- are u excited to start school

All-not really hbu

J-same but I'm excited for football

Boys-yea same

J- we better get to class let's go*they walk into the school and find there lockers but meet up before the bell rings"

Erika's POV
Me and Jc and walking into the school and I see this cute guys with hazel eyes and blonde hair but then I see a girl jump on his back and then hug and hen she gave him a kiss and that's when I knew that was his girlfriend but I told myself I wasn't really looking for a relationship.Me and Jc walk into the school and go to the office to get our schedule.

Jc-rik let me see your schedule see if we have to the same classes. We have 4th together which is lunch and 5th witch is gym. I'm going to go look for my locker see ya later.

Erika's POV
I was looking for my locker and I think I found it but there was a group of people standing there. I got really scared bc new but I went up and said

E- excuse me my locker is behind you guys

J- oh sorry I'm Jake by the way and these are my friends chance Anthony Alex Tessa rocky.

E- nice to meet you guys im Erika I'm New I care from Toronto with my family

J- that's cool umm would you like for me to show you around?

Jakes POV
OMG I'm talking to the new girl she is more beautiful up close when I'm talking to her I'm looking right into her green eyes

E- if you don't mind

J- ya sure. Guys I'll meet up with you guys in class.  Bye Alex*gives her a kiss on the cheek*

E- ...

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