Chapter 30

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J- baby do you want to go to get something to eat
E- yea sure
J- what do you want
E- Taco Bell
J- ok let's go. Get on my back.

Jakes POV
Erika smiled at me And stood up on the bed. I faced her and kissed her. I walked down the stairs and put Erika down. We put on our shoes

J- Erika get on we will walk to Taco Bell
E- Jake it's like 15 minutes away
J- yea put it's going to be My work out
E- are you calling me fat *smiles*
J-totally *smiles* just get on
E- fine

Jakes POV
I opened the door and Erika jumped on my back and I locked the door and started to walk down the street

J- you know that you aren't that heavy
E- wow thanks Jake
J- are you excited for tomorrow
E- yea. Scouts are going to be there
J- that's cool
E- how about you
J- well Logan left and told me that he is in the football team that we are playing so I'm kinda scared

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