Chapter 41

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Erika's POV
The ref pulled back from me And put her hand in her pocket and pulled out A- red card And pointed it at me. I was so ma do went up to the ref and got in her face and just started yelling bc how was I the only one that got A card. I then got pulled back Tessa and rocky they brought me to the bench And I sat down after 2 min everyone Cooke down and they started the game again. I didn't even wanna watch for the next 20 min so I grabbed A- water bottle and made my way around the field. I was about to enter the school when I said something. I walked into the locker room pissed off. I was so mad like I can't even explain. I turned on the tv And was watching our soccer game on there bc of school records them and put it on the tv. I sat down in my cubby And leaned back and watched it

Jakes POV
Erika got A red card And then got in the refs face by Tessa and rocky pulled her to the bench she sat down by then got up grabbed A- water bottle And walk around the field. Where our spots were it was right near the door to go inside and as Erika was walking in she said


Jakes POV
She said it so load that the football team heard it and only them and they all looked me. I didn't know what to do so I just looked back. Now there was 5 min left and we were still up 2-1

Erikas pov
There was 5 min left so I decided that I want to celebrate with my team if we win. So I slowly walked out the door And stood outside the door looking on the field

Jakes POV
I see Erika walk out and stand by the door. She can't see me but I smiled at her.

The other team was coming down to Erika's team side now there was 1 minute left the team was setting up and 10 seconds left they took the shot and it went wide and the game was over

Erika's POV
As soon as they took the shot And missed the clock went out. The other team headed towards there bench As our team was hugging each other all scattered on the field. The fans were cheering I guess my team saw me and waved me over. I smiled and as the whole school saw me they got even louder. I started to run towards my team and they ran towards Me and they all tackled me to the ground after A- couple of minutes we got up And the principal called down the football players to give both of us our trophy's

Jakes POV
The football team walked in to the field And set up to get the trophy and so did the girls.

P- can we have the captain of the football team and soccer team come get the trophy

Jakes POV
I walked out of our little huddle and saw Erika Do the same. I looked up as we were walking to the middle and we both smiled at each other. We got there and I pulled Erika close to me and kisses her and it went so loud. The principal game is the trophy's and we went back to our team the fans will count and that's when we lift the trophy in the air

Fans- 1..2..3

Jake and Erika both lift up the trophy's and everyone went crazy after 30 min the fans left so that meant that the players could go to the locker rooms and all the girls soccer team were dating the football team they all took there Hands and walked into the school and of course the last couple to grab hands was jerika

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