Chapter 7

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      I collect Raven in my arms and place her against my chest and wrap her tightly against me and cover the both of us with my cloak. I shut the door behind me and look down at my sleeping raven haired baby and step out of the shield and listen for anyone around. I look down to make sure Raven is still attached to me and proceed to the castle. It's almost midnight everyone should be sleeping. I quietly make my way out of the woods and keep my head down in the crowds, ravens scent over powers mine and keeps my blood from being exposed in front of all of them. I walk as quickly and quietly to the castle and am stopped the doors by guards.
"Who are you?!" A man shouts I cower back but keep my hood up and my head low.
"I'm looking for guards Lincoln and Parker!"
"They are with the princess, who sent you?"
"Tell then it's a royal emergency and I request their presence immediately!" I shout still keeping my head down and holding Raven tightly against me. What I'm doing is stupidly dangerous especially for her. I hear them talk and no one speaks. The front gates open and I hear commotion but never look up.
"Who is it?" I hear and bring my head up just to make out there faces.
"Lincoln?" I mumble and keep my head low until I see two sets of feet ahead of me. Both men grab my arms and pull me into the castle, I fumble up the steps and follow them into a room, once I hear the door close I remove my hood and look up at both of them, they look so different. Lincoln's grown a small beard, and Parker finally gave himself that haircut I requested. They both stand in shock in front of the door, I take a step back and laugh awkwardly still clutching Raven.
"Hi boys."
"What are you doing here?" Lincoln says.
"What if someone say you?!" Parker says.
"Aren't you guys happy to see me?" I reply, Lincoln comes up to hug me but I stop him before he squishes Raven, he looks puzzled but stands back. I unbutton my cloak and shimmy it off reveling a sleeping baby cradled against my chest. Parker's eyes almost fall out of his head at the sight of just her black hair and Lincoln gushes happily. Lincoln walks up to us and places his large hand in her head feeling the soft stands of her black hair.
"I didn't want you to squash her." I tell him, I gently pull her out of the wrap and lay her in the bed. I hug Lincoln tightly while he's still stuck on Raven and I move on to Parker who's eyes surly are gone by now.
"What have we missed?" Lincoln questions.
"Just my second birth."
"Demitri's?" Parker asks.
"Who's else's can I have?"
"You two have been in contact?"
"Well she states otherwise." I tell Parker.
"What's her name?" Lincoln says standing up cradling her in his arms. She's nestled up closely to his body still sleeping peacefully.
"Seriously?" Parker says
"I love it." Lincoln says.
"What's with such dark names, first Mercy now Raven?"
"I think they are unique." Lincoln says.
"I think they fit them both, just wait for my Mercy to be Queen just wait for what all those who cross her have to say and it starts with an M. And my Raven is going to be fiercely brilliant next to her sister, I can see it already. Sorry my names aren't what you would like Parker. Last time I checked these were my children." I tell him angrily.
"Woah I wasn't trying to offend you I'm just saying, for someone so nice you chose such dark names." He says, Lincoln grabs my elbow and pulls me back, I look away from Parker and take a few steps back noticing how close I've become near Parker. I grab Raven and place her back in my wrap and put my cloak back on.
"I need you to take me to Mercy, please?" I tell them, they both look at each other and don't answer me.
"Please, I promised her I'd visit her, and I know she told you both, I can't lie to her, please just five minutes." I urge them, Lincoln looks over at Parker and pleads with the biggest rule follower in the realm. Parker sighs and tells us both to hurry up, I cover us both and put my hood back up and Lincoln grabs my arm and Parker opens the door and tells me not to utter a word. I keep my head low and follow Lincoln's pull up many stairs. I come up to a stop and I hear one of the knock on a door. I hear little feet smack the floor and the door opens.
"No monsters allowed! I slayed the dragon last night!" She shouts, I lift my head up and look at her dressed in her riders gear with a fake sword wrapped around her small hand, I remove my hood and smile lovingly at her. I'm pushed inside quickly and the door shuts behind me. She squeals excitedly and drops the sword. She runs up to me and hugs my legs happily.
"You came! I knew you would, I told them every night my mommy was going to come home soon and you did see?" She says still hugging me.
"I told you I would. Why would I lie to you?" I cheerfully tell her crouching down while unbuttoning the cloak and throwing it onto her bed, I hear her small squeal and look at her as she slowly walks up to Raven and myself.
"Is that my sister mommy?" I take Raven out of the wrap and hold her to show Mercy her face. Her blue eyes light up when they meet Ravens small face.
"She's my sister? She doesn't look like me." She says confused, two completely related sisters yet completely different in every way.
"She just looks like daddy just how you look like mommy." I tell her in the most understanding way a five year old could.
"She has red eyes too?!" She says loudly making Raven jolt and wake up, she opens her eyes and takes in her new surroundings.
"Red eyes like daddy's!" Mercy shouts into a fit of giggles.
"Her names Raven." I tell her.
"That's pretty." I nod my head and sit on her bed and lay Raven down besides me while she looks around the room sucking on her fingers.
"Who decorated your room? It's so pretty."
"My mommy did, she did it exactly how I wanted it." She stares around her own room looking at the pink walls and toys lined up against them. It still hurts knowing she calls Corella her mother too, but what do you expect a five year old who's only known Corella as her mother to call her?
"Did you just come from lessons?" I ask her and she nods her head.
"Yeah but mommy and daddy don't like me riding, but Pearl and Helena talked daddy into it." She says happily jumping up and down.
"How are your powers?"
"You wanna see?" She says excitedly and opens her balcony doors. I stand close the wall and peak out watching the bright sun becomes covered with dark grey clouds and snow rushing down, I see vines come up to the balcony and form into a ladder. She stands back and smiles at me happily.
"This is how I get out to go play with the other kids, but don't tell daddy." She whispers.
"Your secrets safe with me." I promise, she reminds me of the times I used to escape my room and go outside to venture off without anyone. Her blonde curls bouncing in her pony tale as her blue eyes stay connected with mine. She's so unique and full of light, I see her eyes crackle with white before she turns around and stands in front of me facing the door, the door is thrown open and Demitri storms inside his eyes deep red and his nose flaring. Mercy stands before me shielding me with her small body, Demitri walks up to us but Mercy stands her ground.
"No daddy! Stop!" She shouts and vines bust open through the windows and become gate-like and block us from him, he steps back and shields himself from the glass while I shield Raven. The window blows harshly through the room and I cover Raven in my wrap and pull Mercy close to me to stop her from doing more damage.
"Mercy baby, relax for daddy okay?" He says loudly through the wind, Mercy turns around and faces me her eyes aren't blue anymore, her cheeks completely pink while her eyes are a darker red than Raven and Demitri combined. I gasp in shock and pull her small body into mine and hug her gently.
"Mercy baby? Do you hear me?" He shouts. The vines thicken making it almost impossible for anyone to see through while she wraps her arms tightly around Raven and I.
"I'm sorry mommy." She whispers in my ear holding me tightly. I take a deep breath and caress the back of her head and rock her back and forth.

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