Chapter 5- He'll be Sorry

Start from the beginning

Izuku only knew him from watching the sports festival. That made it less frightening in a sense, to keep it less personal. At the same time, he knew Kacchan and all of his moves, so defeating him would have more ease to it. But he knew Todoroki was a formidable enemy, and that couldn't go ignored. He was Endeavor's son, after all. He admired him, or used to anyway. Izuku was strong, yes, but quirkless. How was he supposed to know how to capture them? In a head-on fight, he wouldn't stand a chance, so he needed a strategy.

Shigaraki entrusted him to strategize. He entrusted him not to screw this up. He entrusted him to complete this mission. What if he messed up? What would he do to him? He pictured the boy with the severed head. Midoriya pushed away the thought quickly and tried not to think about it. He just had to focus on his mission. He had a three-hour drive to get to the school- three hours to make his plan. So what was his plan?


The car parked a little way away from U.A and let Izuku out. He thanked the driver, who muttered back a response before hitting the pedal and speeding off. Then, he was on his way. He looked back as he walked, watching the car speed off and wondering how he'd get back to the headquarters. He tried not to think about that now. The only thing he needed to focus on was capturing Todoroki and Kacchan.

He tried not to let his nervousness get the best of him. He took a deep breath in, and then a loud exhale out. He had to prove that he was worth being in the League of Villains. He had to prove that he was good enough. He had to prove that he wasn't the quirkless, worthless, loser that Kacchan made him out to be. That the world had made him out to be. He had to be better than Kacchan. He had to be better than All Might himself. 

Izuku stopped dead in his tracks as he arrived at the gate of the school. He was staring in awe at it. His dream school. U.A. His heart gave a little leap. The gate to U.A was huge- almost as wide as his whole house- that is, the house he had used to live in with his mother. His mother. Though it pained him to admit it, Midoriya missed his mother truly. How much she cared for him, and whenever he was down she'd hug him and tell him it was okay. She was an amazing mother.

But that was the past. She couldn't help him in the end- so inevitably, this is her fault, too. The way she never believed in him. The way she comforted him, telling him it would be okay but not that he could achieve his dream. She probably had already forgotten about him, anyway. She probably moved on with her life by now. He took another deep breath and approached the gate cautiously. There was a slot for him to stick the ID card into. Izuku took it out of the backpack he was given and stuck it into the slot. For a moment, nothing happened, but then the gate creaked open. 

He entered the facility cautiously, taking it all in. The sun was starting to go down, so there weren't many people still out on the campus, which he was grateful for. His plan was pretty simple, and he honestly had doubt that it'd work, but he had to try. So he made his way into the main building of U.A. Down the hall. Turning a corner. And through a door. A door labeled Class 1.A.

It was locked, as expected, but he had been trained on lock picking. He took out a bobby pin from his pocket, looked up and down the hallway to make sure no one was coming, and then briskly got to work on getting the door open. It was difficult. It had two different locks. A bobby pin wasn't the most professional way to pick a lock, so it was easy to imagine the time that slipped past Izuku as sweat dripped down his face. He was constantly looking back to make sure he wasn't being watched. And then-


The door squeaked open. He stepped into the empty room, closing the door behind him and observing every last bit. He used to wish with every bone in his body that he had been in this room- in class, learning about all it meant to be a hero. What a joke that was. He recalled with a burning sense of hatred that All Might had turned him down and told him he wasn't good enough. He'll show him. He'll show them all. He made it to this classroom. But in his own way. 

He placed a small piece of paper folded neatly into Todoroki and Bakugou's desk. The traps were set. But he'd have to wait overnight. So wait he would. He marched out of the room in triumph, relocking it and scurrying off. He wasn't sure where the best place to wait it out was. So he ended up wandering the halls for a while in awe that he was actually in U.A. He passed by students seamlessly, blending right in just as Shigaraki had said he would. There were too many students in this school for any to get suspicious. But then his eyes caught a familiar face. A face he knew all too well. A face that used to haunt his nightmares.

It was Kacchan. 

He was there, spiky blond hair in all. He was sitting beside a red, spiky-haired kid, Kirishima from the sports festival, listening to him talk about something but not really seeming to care. Kacchan's mind seemed to be elsewhere, his usual angry expression replaced by a blank one. He knew he needed to run so the hero didn't see him. He knew that, but suddenly it was as though his feet had been glued to the ground and his eyes stuck on the boy no less than ten feet away from him. 

Because there he was. The face of his childhood terror. The face of his childhood friend. The face of all his childhood memories. He was there, standing there less than ten feet away. And Izuku was angry at him- so angry for making him who he was. For forcing him to become this thing that was himself. For making him choose between villain and hero. But there was also longing in his gaze. Longing for things to return to how they had once been. Longing to hear Kacchan shout, "Damn Deku!" and punch him to the ground. Longing for him to tell him how worthless he was. Longing for it to all came back. As odd as it sounded, it was all so compelling. 

But then his gaze meets Izuku's. He didn't have time to see his reaction, because he panicked and ran off, hoping to get lost into the small crowd. He had expected for Kacchan to chase after him or to scream at him or something. But he hadn't. And a small, strange part of himself was disappointed at escaping without being followed. 

Midoriya successfully made it to a remote broom closet where he decided to stake out for the night. There, he pondered on his brush up with his childhood bully. Izuku decided that Kacchan had forgotten him, just as he had excepted. No one cared for him anymore. Deep inside him, he felt a little disappointed. But he turned disappointment into angry and used it as fuel for the fire of hatred that burned within him every second of his mission. Because it only gave him more of a reason to show Kacchan how wrong he was. How wrong he was to forget. How wrong the world was. 

He'll be sorry. 

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