Chapter 7: *3 months later* new recruits?

Start from the beginning

Libby came back into the room with a guy that oddly looked like my friend Ryan......

"wait Misha?" i looked at him shocked. "Ryan?" he nodded and smiled and i let Sydney go and gave Ryan a man-hug.

"Hey Sydney!" Ryan said giving her a quick hug and wrapped his arms around Libby. i smiled at them too. i re-wrapped my arms around Sydney's bare waist and held her to me. she leaned into my hold and placed the back of her head on my chest and placed her hands ontop of mine.

"awwww!" Libby cooed and Sydney just shook her head.

"shut up." i looked at her face to see her blushing. i smirked and kissed her cheek and she blushed a deeper shade of red and i found it actually cute.

"aww look at the lovebirds!" Ryan mentioned and everybody looked at us and i rolled my eyes, "Really bro?" he nodded and sent me a knowing smirk.

did i like Syd like that?

"so how long have you 2 known eachother?" Quinn asked us and Sydney's angel-like voice spoke, "we met in kindergarden. we were 9. so i guess around before we went to middle school. he used to always annoy me back then but then we had to do a project together and we just sort of clicked..."

i smiled at the memories. "awwww! do you like him?" i looked down at Sydney and she blushed and bit her lip like she did when she was thinking. i was silently praying she would say yes...but did i like her like that?"

"like isnt the word..." she looked up at me and i saw something in her brown eyes that used to be green.

i sent her a smile and she blushed and looked back at Quinn and the others who all wiggled there eyebrows.

"oh and what do you feel for him?" Libby asked smirking.

"i love him...." she whispered but it was loud enough for me to hear her. i stood there shocked.

"what?" Libby asked confused obivously not hearing her.

"i love him..." she said louder and looked up at me this time saying it. i smiled at her. she had happeness, love and purity in her eyes. something i really dont see often.

she looked at the others and got out of my grip. she obviously knew what was going on since i didnt say anything, "but he would never love me back..." she walked into a room and closed the door. i sighed and went after her.

"Syd open the door its Mish." i heard quiet crys and my heart broke a little at hearing her cries. "babe please..." she opened the door and looked at me with such sad and pained eyes that my heart snapped in a million pieces. i hated seeing her cry! i pulled her into a tight hug and walked us into the room and held her while she cried.

"you will never see me the way i see you..." she mumbled and i looked down at her, "Syd...." i started but didnt now what to say...did i love her?

she looked at me with her puppy dog eyes that held sadness and i frowned. "you wont. i know you wont." i sighed, "Sydney, i always felt something towards you. and i didnt now what it was. but...were mates so either way were destined to be together." i told her and she looked down. i pulled her into my lap and held her. she pulled away and stood up and moved to the corner. i sighed.

what do i do? i walked over and kneeled down infront of her, picking up her chin so she can look at me. i leaned in and placed my lips to hers. she instantly kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck. i smiled against her lips and put more pressure on the kiss and wrapped my arms around her waist. she climbed into my lap and had her legs going on either side of my hips and i held her by the middle of her back.

we just sat like that. making out. her in my lap. everything felt....right.....

i pulled away against mine and her wishes and smiled at her, "i love you. i always have. i was just to stubborn to listen to my heart. nobody has ever come close to comparing to you. and nobody ever will." she smiled and hugged me. i hugged back burriying my face into her neck, giving it a few kisses here and there making her giggle.

i smiled and she pulled away and said, "i love you too Misha..." i grinned and kissed her with love and passion. she kissed back with just as much passion and love.

we pulled away gasping for breah and grinned widely.

i picked her up and stood up. i pulled her into my arms and held her. she snuggled into my hold, something she always did when she was happy or scared. but i knew she was happy.

i finally had the balls to tell her....but why did i keep questioning myself when i knew the answer all along? i really did love her...i guess i just had to find it in my heart deep enough.

i grabbed her hand and interwined our fingers together, and together we walked out holding hands.

everybody smirked knowing what happened and Ryan patted me on the back with a 'go get them bro!' i rolled my eyes and untangled our fingers and wrapped my arm around her waist instead, pulling her body into mine and she wrapped her arm around my waist and her other around my stomach/abs.

i kissed her forehead and before i knew it we were being seperated, something that hasnt happened since we were 21. we've been by eachother's side 24/7, day and night. so this was gonna be hard....

"Misha!" i heard her angel-voice yell my name and i stopped in my trail and turned around only to have her tiny body jump my strong frame. i held her by her thighs and hugged her. she wrapped her long slim legs around my body and i dug my face into her shoulder.

"its going to be ok. baby ill see you in the morning ok? if you need me and you cant sleep just come into our room. i love you babygirl." she looked at me with tears in her eyes, and i knew she was scared to leave my side. i looked at the guys for help and they just nodded letting me now she can come with me.

i ended up carrying her small body into my room in the guys apartment room we shared. soon the other girls tagged along and stayed with there mates. and that included Ryan and Libby. i actually never noticed Ryan had blue eyes instead of his brown. i guess we both had that change....

i climbed into bed and pulled my beautiful girlfriend into my arms and she snuggled into me and held a death grip on my arm. i smoothed her hair and kissed her forehead, "im here baby im not leaving."

"i love you Mish." i smiled, "i love you too sweetie." she placed her head on my bare chest and tangled our legs together. bare skin touching, and since i was wearing boxers and she was wearing her PJ shorts, it was pretty easy that we could feel eachothers skin(legs).

my hand was placed gently on her lower back while she spooned my side and i just held a protective hold on her body.

she was sooo skinny and friagle. so i always had to make sure she was ok. espcially with a past like poor babygirl was abused by her own family. she ended up reporting her parents to the cops and my parents didnt want us to be seperated so we ended up living in the same house, and we took her in. best year of my life.

we were 12 when that happened. now look at us, 23 years old, together and happy. i knew i made the right desision to tell her how i felt.

i fell asleep listening to Sydney's soft snores and smiled to myself and snuggled into her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~there's chapter 7!!! hope you guys like it! pic on side is Misha! :) video on side is from a movie clip called Step Up Revolution, all 3 characters are in the movie!

outfits for Sydney & the boys(Ryan,Misha & Nolan & Nick) hope you guys liked it!~~~~~~~~~~~~

Falling In Love With a Vampire {Jamie Campbell Bower} *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now