quarante deux

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"what the actual fuck, tae?" jungkook asked and tae was already standing up walking back and forth, "look, we were both drunk and we only kissed okay?" the model was so stressed out over the photo. he hoped people would think it was fake when he realized the photo was in his camera roll after sending messages to yoongi about them hiding it.

"what were you doing at a club in the first place?" jungkook asked worried. "i was just stressed, okay? i wanted to relieve it and my manager was gone for the weekend." jungkook eyed the model because he was suspicious.

"did the kiss mean anything?" jungkook asked.

"kook, do you want me to be honest?" the model asked crossing his arms and looking down. the singer nodded and tae continued. "it meant something to me but i don't think it meant anything to hyung. i have to fix things with jimin now."

"that sucks."

"are you mad at me, kookie?" tae asked and the singer shook his head, "i'm more mad that you didn't tell me but i could see why it happened." jungkook got up and hugged the model reassuring him.

"i love you, tae." jungkook said but it was muffled since he stuffed his face in tae's neck. the model still heard but he didn't reply.

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