chapter 26

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27th August.

Today starts off so badly.
Well, not completely.
I wake up to Henry tracing my face.
"Oh hey pretty boy!"
My throat is burning.
What the hell did I drink last night?
I fell back and shut my eyes.

"Do you want me to get you some coffee?"
He is my saviour.
I nodded.
I just want to hold him, but I feel so weak.
Good god I hope I feel better by tonight.
I hear some rustling and then a quiet little,
"Did you carry me upstairs last night?"
I kinda vaguely, very vaguely, remember doing that. He didn't need to shout it though.
"Mhm. Inside voices."
He chuckled to himself and I heard the door shut.

After another nap, I woke up to a text from Paul,
*come w me downstairs*
I replied with a thumbs up and we stumbled

He was leant up against the wall.
This house is so much brighter than I realised.

"We have 3 hours left and you two are still wrecks!"
She seemed so irritated. I mean, she didn't have much, if anything to drink last night. All I remember is pissing Paul off somehow.
"Exactly we have ages!" I flopped onto the sofa, and Henry kissed my forehead.
Paul sighed and I heard him start to walk up the stairs, she followed him.
Eventually I decided to go back up, passing Emma as I went.

Another nap.
At when I woke up it was 10pm.
My headache had gone. My throat was hurting much less.
And Henry walked in.
He looked so good, his hair was curly, I love his curly hair, and his cheeks were lightly glazed with something.
I wiggle my arms out, indicating for him to come over.
"Ree come here"
I pull him into my grip, and he fits just as perfectly as he always has.
I'm so glad I can leave this hell hole with him.
"We've made it Ree. And I'm so glad you're mine again."
He grins, his lips look so soft.
"You're so cute Teddy, not long left."
Our lips touch for only a second.
We return to just cuddling, today was probably the most innocent day we've ever acted around together.

We have all been handed guns and they're really weird to hold.
It's cold to the touch, but Henry seems to comfortable with it.
But it's like a switch has flipped with him.
Theres a fire in his eyes I've never seen.
It's kinda hot.

We arrive at the park.
Henry practically ran.
"Ree? Are you okay?"
I'm starting to get worried.
"I'm fine."
His voice was so monotone.
I didn't realise how he usually has a musical tone to his voice.
But I guess he's probably stressed.
He sits down on the bench, his leg is jogging up and down.

"Do you want a drink Theodore?"
Fucking hell how did he know my name was Theodore?
"Uh I'll pass McNamara."
McNamaras voice seemed warm.
I couldn't part my eyes off Henrys chest rising slowly, his fingers tapping his temples.

"Do you think he's okay?"

"I don't know let's find out!"

I felt my neck become cold on one side. Something was pressing into it.
"What the fu-"
I turned to look.


A weak "Henry" escaped my mouth.

I felt the blood start to pour out of my mouth, out of my neck.
This hurts so much.
So fucking much.
I gasped for air and I felt like I could see it escaping me.
Everything went blurry.
No, NO NO.
Instantly I fell to the floor.
I could hear footsteps, and I felt someone grab my arm.
The last thing I will ever hear was Henrys screams.

It was Charlotte, she had a hole in her jumper, it seemed like it had something poking out, but she pressed it back in.
I was in a room that looked exactly as Henry described it, but there wasn't a blue glow.
The soft trickling sound of the water almost distracted me from the worry of what has happened to Henry.

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