chapter 8

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"Ted honestly I'm a bit fed up of it, I have dealt with this for 9 months."
It's January.
He can't handle being wrong, and it's not even funny anymore.
He constantly has a go at me when I try to show him how he might be in the wrong.
Honestly, I thought I was stubborn, but I've never met anyone like him before.
As well as being stubborn he's self-centred.
All those months he spent trying to 'help' me, which I thought was helping. But in reality, it made me blind to how he really is. I knew he was an asshole, but I thought I'd changed him.
He runs his hand through his hair, and his other was on his hip,

"Ree I literally haven't even done anything to you, so what? I was wrong. I know I was! But you're taking it too far now."
"Don't call me Ree,"
I couldn't look at him, and if he called me Ree, I knew I'd do what I always do and give in, it's like a loop.
An infinite loop.
"Ted, I don't think you understand how often it really happens, and how every single goddamn time, you make a mess and then I'm the fucking one who has to sort it out for you!"
"What're you going on about, it's happened like once?"
His obliviousness was killing me,
"Ted, 6 times, in the past 3 months. And it's not fair on me!"
He puts his hand on me, and I push it off, and lean on my elbows on the table, rubbing my temples.
I need to calm myself down,
"Henry, what's going on?"
He knelt next to me.
"Ted, I can't do this anymore."
He stood back in disbelief.
Did he really not see this coming?
"Are you being serious?"
"Ted, I think you should go."
I don't care where he might go.
Right now, I need to be alone.

I hear the front door slam below me.
And I can't help myself.
I break down.

Our- I mean, my room still smells like cinnamon. But instead of it being warm. It feels cold.
I hear him scream and I've never felt more emotions in one moment.

Sadness, all I want is to be held by him.
Anger, he hadn't even tried to win me back.
Regret, I hadn't let him in his small attempt.
Happiness, maybe I'll be more open now.

No, I won't.
He needs to learn.
He needs to learn that arguing with everyone won't get you anywhere.
He needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around him.
And by me giving him what he wants, he never will learn.

By me melting into his touch when he touches my face.
By me giving into him when he smiles at me, or calls me pretty boy.
By me falling at his knees, uh, whenever.
He'll never learn.

Even though it might kill me everytime I see him flash that goofy smile at anyone.
Even though I might want to cry everytime I smell a whiff of cinnamon walking past him.
Even though I might die if he ends up with someone else, hopefully they'll be able to do what I couldn't, and make him a better person.
I'm willing to wait.
If he is.

*teds pov*

What the fuck.
Why did I fuck up?
How did I?

I've never cared so much about someone.
And yet here I was, completely oblivious that I'd upset him.
Upset him so much he didn't even want to look at me.
"Ted, I think you should go."
Please Henry, please tell me you're not being serious.
But he doesn't say anything. He just stands up and leaves.
Shortly after I hear the bedroom door slam.
I feel unwelcome.
But I don't have anywhere to go.

I step outside and I'm overwhelmed with anger and sadness.
In order to stop myself from crying, I have to replace it with something else.
Instead I scream and punch the wall.
It hurts, but not as much as hearing Henrys light sobs from the room upstairs, the window was slightly open.

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