chapter 4

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Ted was sitting there for me.
He waited for me.
He had tucked me into bed and everything.
Where was Puddles.
Ted looks over and sees I'm awake, and instantly turns off his phone as if he was never on it.
"I like this bear." He says, Puddles.
"I got him when I was 5, my mom used to call him my ani bear."
Ani for Anxiety.
"He smells like you."
It's never clicked to me that I have a smell.
Ted's cinnamon, what is mine.
And he did,
"You smell like a summers day at the beach. The waves rolling. The children laughing. Warm sand between your feet. It's a nice smell."
"Are you implying I smell like fast food?"
He blushes, I'm only winding him up.
He goes to justify himself, and so I kiss him to shut him up.
"Shush Ted, I was winding you up!"
Normally, I lie on him, but this time he lay on me.
I could feel he was sort of holding himself away from me,
"You won't hurt me you know. I'm heavier than you."
He didn't reply, but just lay and relaxed into me.
I missed him so much.
He would never know how much I missed him.

"I snooped around a bit, and I found a hidden drawer. I see you keep Smirnoff Ice, even though you were such a snob on our first date."
He called that a date, to be honest I wasn't mad.
I bought S.I. because it reminded me of him.
"I actually enjoyed it."
"Lets have some then pretty boy!"
Pretty boy.

*teds pov*
Henry is a giggling mess.
His hair is just everywhere and he can't stand straight.
I would've thought he wouldn't have been such a light weight.
But he is. He also hasn't said much, he just giggles at everything I say. Sometimes he lightly pushes my shoulder back, he is so cute.
He keeps getting really close, and I want to kiss him. But I'll just let him make the move this time.
"Sometimes I wonder, why are the sporty people the 'attractive' ones."
He's talking about Chad.
"Well I've never found that, the only attractive ones are the biology nerds."
"Tedrick how rude, I also adore musicals!"
Although I don't like musicals, I want to hear him sing. Or see him dance.
"Put some music on then, pretty boy"
Everytime I say it, he blushes.
That's why I won't stop.
And he does, he sings and dances. He seems transported.
Mamma Mia. Of course he chose Mamma Mia.
But I don't mind.
His voice is low. But sometimes goes incredibly high. And on occasion he'll open his eyes, and look at me, blush, but then another line will come in and he's gone.
His hips seem to wiggle so perfectly. He pulls me up and now, we dance.
The winner takes it all comes on, he places his hands round my neck, and I place my hands on his waist. He gently rocks me, and with his head on my shoulder I can hear him humming the music. However, since he is a bit tipsy, his balance doesn't hold up, and I feel myself holding him up.
Lay all your love on me comes on, and I pick him up. This is the only song I know the words to, and like. He starts laughing as he wrapped his legs round me, I sing along and lean forward so he's tipped backwards. Pull him up, just so he's close enough to my lips, he looks down at mine.
He wants me to kiss him.
I want to kiss him.
But I don't.
"You're turn this-"
Cut off by his lips on mine, he knew what I was on about.

*henrys pov*
We've had too much.
I'm a mess.
So is he.
"Ok no Henry look, you're totally right that I should've just told Charlotte to piss off. But it's hard, especially you should know,"
"I can't believe you've said that Ted, you really were starting to make me forgive you, but here you-"
"Hey man stop don't even, I stayed up for 3 hours amusing myself because I didn't wanna make you go back to class. An asshole wouldn't do that..."
"I never said you were an asshole, I'm just saying you should've left Charlotte earlier."
It's been two months pent up. And I don't have a filter when I'm in this state.
"And what I'm saying is, Charlotte was controlling, I didn't have a say in what happened. She knew we weren't a couple, it was everyone else who said we were, Henry don't you get it."
"I don't see what you want me to get?"
Anger had built up and I could've cried, or screamed. Or both.
I pushed Ted up against a wall to shut him up.
I wanted to just punch the wall, but that never works.
"Ted I don't understand what I've done wrong, it wasn't you that walked in on Charlotte on her knees for me. It was the other way round."
Ted looked so angry, he looked down, then threw his head up and kissed me, at a speed I hadn't expected.
The power pushed me back and I fell over.
He was on top of me and kissing my neck. It felt good but I couldn't let him have all the fun.
I threw him off and decided it was my turn to overpower him.
He laughed and kissed me and pulled me down. I couldn't help but give in.
Such a heated argument ended so differently to how I expected.
Now we were just cuddling and kissing and cuddling and kissing and, laughing at each other.
We are idiots sometimes.
But I love him anyway.

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