The Sneakout

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Tay's P.O.V.

"What?" Jake asked. "Australia? Aw, how am I going to get through the school day without you?"

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "You'll deal."

He let out a noise of disbelief. "No, I won't. I'll die."

I laughed and continued eating. He decided to eat lunch with me today, so we were sitting in the teacher's lounge with Ava's Spanish teacher, Maria Soto.

"What's in Australia?" Maria asked.

"My wife's family," I answered. "I've never been, neither have the kids. We're going to experience it together."

"But that's two days I won't get to work with you!" Jake practically whined. "I actually kinda like you."

I scrunched up my nose, laughing at him. He just smiled at me before biting his lip and looking back down at his lunch.

"Are the kids excited?" Maria asked.

"Beyond belief," I said. "They haven't stopped talking about it. They're trying to convince Jen and I to let them bring friends. I'm pretty sure Jenna drew the line when Ava asked about her boyfriend."

"I love the dad role your wife plays. She's so protective of Ava in that way."

"Yeah," I dragged out with a smile. "It's kinda cute."

I pulled my legs up under me as I took a bite of my salad, Maria laughing. Jake just remained silent.


"Mom!" Ava yelled at Jenna. "Come on!"

"I'm sorry, but the answer is no," Jenna repeated. She started to walk away, but Ava followed.

"Why do you have to say no to everything I want to do?"

"Not everything, Avalyn. Just everything that involves boys that aren't your brother or Turner."

Evan let out a laugh from beside me on the couch. "I hardly think Turner qualifies," he called.

I smacked him in the arm. "Shush," I scolded.

"Please," Ava tried again. "Tell me why I can't go to the movies with Lucas."

"Hm, let me think," Jenna said, tapping her chin. "Because I said so."


"But nothing. You aren't going out with Lucas tonight and that's final."

Ava tried to say more, but Jenna just walked away, causing her to growl. Instead, she turned to me.

"Tell her to let me go," she begged.

I looked apologetically at her. "Sorry, hun, but there's no way in Hell I can change her mind."

"Just please let me go!"

"I'm sorry, but I kind of agree with Jenna. I don't really know much about Lucas--"

"Then I'll have him over! You can meet him officially, ask whatever you want--"

"Not tonight, but some time soon, I'd love to have that. Until then, you aren't going out with him, and that's that."

Ava growled again and ran upstairs, slamming the bedroom door shut.

Evan grinned and looked at me. "She's grounded, right?"

"Oh, it's coming," I said and Evan gave a maniacal laugh.

Jenna's P.O.V.

"Am I overreacting?" I asked Tay.

"No," she assured me. "You're not."

"I just- I know nothing about this boy, and Ava really likes him. I just don't want her to get hurt."

"I know, Jen. And you're right in telling her she can't go. I told her the same thing."

"Yeah... I just really-"

"Jen." Tay wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. "I know."

"Can you do that again?"

"What? Kiss you?" I nodded. "Mhm, maybe..."

I smiled and grabbed the belt loops of her jeans, pulled her against me before kissing her. We kissed in silence for a little while, Tay sliding her hands down so that they rested on my shoulders.

"Are the kids asleep?" Tay breathed.

"Should be," I said. "Better be."

"And David?"

I reached behind Tay to grab the baby monitor, seeing that he was sound asleep. "Still as a rock."

Tay bit her lip. "Would it be bad parenting if know..."

"As long as we keep quiet."

She giggled and tugged me upstairs to the bedroom.


Even in the aftermath, Tay and I just kissed. I ran my hand along her leg, up her hip, up her side, and back down again, Tay tangling her fingers in my hair and tugging a little. It was probably one of the dirtiest kisses we'd ever shared, and, God, it turned me on.

She let out a slight moan and I smiled, kissing along her jaw, down her neck. She was breathing hard as I kissed the soft, warm skin in the crook of her neck and she even let out another soft moan.

After a little while, I pulled back and just stared at her, her chest heaving up and down as she kept her eyes closed.

Once Tay began to catch her breath, I rolled onto my back and she curled up beside me, tracing patterns on my stomach as I did the same to her back.

"I love you," she whispered after a little bit of laying in silence.

"I love you, too," I whispered back.

"I'm gonna go check on the kids." Much to my disappointment, Tay pulled away from me and slid on her underclothes and my shirt. I just bit my lip, watching her, and she gave a cute smile before walking out of the room and down the hallway.

Quickly, she ran back into the room with a frantic look on her face.

"What time is it?" she practically yelled, placing her hands on her temples.

"Uh..." I looked over at the clock. "Eight-thirty... Love, what's wrong?"

"Ava. She's not in her bed and-" Tay removed her hands and stopped her pacing, looking me in the eyes.

"She didn't," I started.

"Goddammmit! She did!"

"We both told her no!" I threw off the covers and dressed myself as Tay rubbed her face.

"You got her?" she asked.

"Oh, you bet I've got her," I said, and grabbed my car keys.

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