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  As their "person" fell ill so did he, stage 4 cancer. Could it have been the hatred and depression running through his veins that spread this disease so fast? The month-long hospital stays made life for everyone difficult. The same heartbeats that once thumped so strongly together were now completely unconnected. They went from mimicking one another to falling out of sync all together, but this affliction made them both brush this fall out under the rug. Their hearts were still broken and this love they both thought they shared made things so much worse. They must pretend everything is okay for the sake of the little ones, but little did they both know that the "little ones" were growing up right before their eyes. We weren't stupid as he had thought, we recognized fake love anywhere, after all, that's what we were given. We knew what the fake hugs, kisses, and "I love yous" where. We know what it is like to cry in the shower because we too realized that the water washed the tears away. Our sidetracked parents caught up in their sickening alliance still had a job to do, and they were miserably failing.

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