Looks that Kill

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The blonde bombshell breezes past me leaving me in shock as I watch her storm into the apartment aiming directly towards the lanky bassist and explodes into a ball of rage and swear words.
Duff immediately stands to his full height and his jaw drops.

"How dare you fucking dump me! And over the phone no less!" She slurs with rage, her face red with fury and eyes glowing with crazy, I must admit however, she is very attractive with a model-like body and angelic features, ironic to the situation, she I sways slightly whilst she stands glaring up at Duff.
Duffs eyes are as wide as bass drums, he glances around the room for support, but receives avoiding looks from the band and wide, sympathetic eyes from Steven, Izzy lights a cigarette and settles further into the couch, picking up one of Slash's magazines.
"Are you going to say anything or what!?" The woman breathes, her glare intensifying towards the bassist, if looks could kill, he'd be soooo dead right now.
"..I'm really sorry Liz but it wasn't working out. You're a great girl but we're not good for each other." Duff reasons with the girl in front of him and the realisation hits me; this is who Duff was talking about in his sleep.

I step into the room leaving the door open for a quick exit and head towards mine and Izzy's bedroom to grab my boots in order to leave, but I'm stopped dead in my tracks as the fearsome blonde turns her attention towards me.
Izzy feels the change in atmosphere and switches his focus towards the bombshell, Axl also notices and sits forward from his seat.
"We were working just fine until this little slut showed up! Who do you even think you are!?" She directs at me and begins to move in my direction, but she is blocked by the small frame of Izzy which is quickly supported by Steven, whilst Slash and Ax get to their feet and stand beside the shocked bassist.
"This is actually my little sister and she has nothing to do why McKagan does not want to hang around a psycho like you." Izzy interjects as I slowly back up towards my room to safety and shove my feet into my boots. I am not getting involved in whatever drama this girl is about to unleash.
Liz does not handle the comment kindly and just as I return from my bedroom to head to the door, I hear a terrifying scream as she has lunges at the guitarist. Peering back around the corner before I leave I see as Duff grabs the girl by the waist as she try's desperately to attack Izzy and hauls her to the hallway.
I wave at Slash who had noticed my exit, he nods and grabs his sunglasses before following me out, the rest of the band resuming their places.
"So that was crazy." I summarise as we walk side by side towards the Whiskey Go-Go.
"Yeah! She's a little bit unhinged if you hadn't noticed." I see the guitarist smirk a bit under his mass of hair before he adds, "She's just jealous because Duff prefers to hang out with us than her, shocker."

We reach the bar and with a nod from the bouncer, Slash holds open the door for me and follows behind me through the throng of people to the bar, "Drink?" He shouts over the thumping music and chatter.
"Whatever you're having! I'll go finds us some seats!" I shout in reply.
I begin making my way through the sweaty crowds towards an empty booth, sliding behind the table and staring down at my hands.

"You stalking me Alex?" Someone asks as they plop down beside me.
"Oh shut up, I'm here with a friend, what are you doing here?"
Mick laughs and points into the crowd where another familiar trio are gathered.
"Celebrating!" he laughs, "Want me to call the misfits over?"
"Sure! What are you celebrating?" I question as he waves the boys over.

"Hey what did I miss?" Slash asks as he sets our drinks down on the table and settles beside me, leaning back on the seat and removing his sunglasses, eyeing Mick protectively.
I don't have a chance to explain as Mötley Crüe approaches and take root at the table.
"Slash, this is Mick, a great guitarist like yourself, Tommy, Nicki and Vince, guys this is Slash" I introduce happily as they shake hands or appreciative nods, straight away Slash and Mick get into guitar talk and Vince and Tommy begin chatting to each other. Nicki who sits to my right smiles across at me.
"So how was your head the other morning because if it wasn't for hair of the dog, I'd have died." He laughs, I notice his pale complexion and red eyes.
"It wasn't too bad, it's not my fault you're a lightweight Sixx". I shrug and he raises an eyebrow at me.
"Oh really? Want to test that?" He smirks, waving his hand at a barmaid. "Can we get a round of shots and bottle of whiskey please sweetness?" The barmaids cheeks blush and she hurries off toward the bar.

That was the last of that night I remember up until being piggy backed home by a proud Slash whilst Nicki is drunkenly carried hammock style by his band mates towards the apartment I share with my brothers.

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