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"Thank you Seattle! Goodnight!" Axl screams as he and the band trot from the small bar stage, the audience of around 20 drunk people cheer and whistle as the sweaty rockers leave their sight.

"Hey Alex!" Steven yells as he bounces towards me, his arms open in invitation. No way am I going anywhere near icky drummer boy.
"Ahhhh!" I run from the him giggling uncontrollably, looking back on his advancing form, only to crash into something solid and wet.
"If you were that desperate for my attention, you could've just asked Lexy." Duff states cockily, wrapping his strong sweaty arms around my waist and smothering my face into his soaked vest.
"Ew McKagan! Get off!" I yell between laughs, even sweaty, the man smells so good!

"Hey guys! Group hug!" Duff yells.
"No Duff! Let me go!" At this point I'm desperate, squirming in his firm grasp.
Just seconds later, four soggy men crash into me and Duff, I hate these over grown man children.
"You love it Alexis!" Slash laughs, crushing me in the hug. Izzy uncomfortably pressed against Duff and me, but a smile plastered across his face nonetheless. Slash is crushed against me on the other side due to Steven wrapping his drummer arms around the sweaty group, Axl pressed into Stevens grip and Slash's body, whilst Duff contently rests his chin on the top of my head, everyone stinking of sweat, booze and cigarettes.

"Okay okay, I'm sweaty now too. Let me breathe! Go get paid!"
I shout, muffled by Duff's chest. The guys slowly release me from the group hug and I flop onto the abused couch nearby, clothes sticking to my skin.
"Where's the shower?" I grumble to nobody in particular, digging through my bag for somewhat clean clothes and the soap I borrowed the other day.
No clean shirt. Great.

"I'll show you." Duff grabs my hand and pulls me delicately from the ripped up couch.
"Thanks, got a shirt I can borrow too?" I ask shyly, hating to be a bother.
"Sure! Bet you'd look good in one of my shirts." Duff winks suggestively.
"Shut up." I laugh.

"Here ya go, I'm taking a shower too, no peeking little missy!" Duff says as he leads me into the locker room with a few small shower cubicles, tiled walls separating each one, not high enough to shield my body if an abnormally tall person such as Duff was to look over the top. Damn.

"No peeking at me either McKagan, you face that wall, I'll face this one." I state, signalling to both sides of the room.
"No problem." He says, before pulling his vest from his sticky body, revealing a slim and muscular chest and stomach, the dim lighting casting shadows under the lock and chain upon his slender neck.
"My eyes are up here Lexy." Duff says smirking, pointing to his handsome face. My eyes snap to his as a blush settles in my cheeks.
"S-sorry!" I turn around so my back is facing him and I hear him chuck his vest to the grimy floor and walk towards me.

"It's okay Alexis, I don't bite honey." He says as he wraps his bare tattooed arms around me.
"You getting in the shower anytime today McKagan?" I mumble.
"Fine!" He laughs, releasing me and continuing to strip naked behind me while I study my finger nails.

Once Duff is in his shower and facing the wall, I strip down to my underwear, placing my dirty clothes in a pile beside the clean ones. Looking behind me to make sure Duff isn't peeking, I peel off my plain bra and knickers and step into the shower, the warm water tumbling down onto my pale skin.
"So how are we getting home?" I question casually, running my hands through my soapy hair.
"A friend of mine is meeting us tomorrow morning to get the drum kit and take us home. Oh man, I miss my bed." Duff says longingly.
"You guys have done so well, I'm proud."
"That means a lot to me Lex, to know you believe in us."
"Of course I believe in you guys, you all have so much talent and you're like brothers, an inseparable unit, all you need is a little patience." I smile to myself and take a peek over my shoulder towards Duff.
"Yeah, all we need is a little patience." He repeats to himself. His back muscles move as he washes the soap from his golden locks, feeling my gaze, he looks over his shoulder too and meets my stare. We stay like that for a few moments before he speaks.
"You've got really pretty eyes Lex."
"You too." I smile, blushing a little.
"Nice ass too." He smirks
"Duff! You can turn around now!"
He turns back around grinning, continuing his shower as I do the same, a smile staining my lips.

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