What it Takes

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I shove another bra into my worn old rucksack as Axl barges into me and Izzy's shared room.
"Come on let's go! The trucks outside!" He gushes, jumping up and down like a kangaroo on crack.
"Jesus bro, don't get your thong in a twist!" I shout back louder.
"Who said thong?" Steven says sticking his head into the room. I throw my full and fairly heavy bag at him, unfortunately he catches it before it hits him in the face and he carries it to the truck we will be travelling in to and around Seattle.

Today is the day Guns N Roses goes on their first tour. Yes we have a name, Axl ROSE and his ex band member Tracii GUNS. Thus giving birth to our band name. Slash has even designed an awesome logo for flyers and stuff.

"Slash I swear to god. Get off of me!" I wheeze as the heavy guitarist wiggles around on my lap laughing.
"But Alex! You're comfy!" He whines.
"Izzy. Pull over." I state. Me and Iz make eye contact in the rear view mirror and he smirks.
Slash continues laughing until Izzy pulls into the side of the abandoned road, I undo the door that Slash was leaning on, making him fall on his ass beside the road. Shutting the door again, Izzy starts driving, Slash screaming for us to stop and all of us laughing so hard that we are all holding our stomachs while dust flies up in the air behind us.

Izzy stops and I open the door, waiting for Slash to catch up. He's gunna get me back eventually, my eyes widen as I look around the truck for escape. Next to me in the back of the vehicle is Steven, who is blissfully unaware of my predicament, Duff is beside him, Axl in the passenger seat in front of me with Iz behind he wheel still chuckling to themselves.
Duff catches me looking around frantically for a way away from where Slash will get in and sit on me again and pats his lap. Axl looks back at me and narrows his eyes in warning, already knowing my intentions to sit on his bassists lap.
"It's sit or be sat on Ax." I say smugly, making my way over Steven, who oofs as I climb over him and I rest my ass on Duff's Jean clad lap, my back against the door, head resting comfortably in the space between Duff's neck and shoulder, breathing in his manly scent.  Axl looks toward the sunny, rolling countryside out of his window mumbling under his breath as Slash slides back into the truck grumbling about what asses we are and slams the door.

I wake up to hair tickling my neck. Looking around me I notice we are pulled over on the side of the road. In the middle of nowhere. And it's dark. Everyone is asleep and Duff's warm breath fans my cheek. I study his sleeping face, he looks so cute and peaceful, I'm broken out of my trance by Steven letting out a huge snore,  luckily enough, it doesn't wake anyone but makes Izzy stir and say 'fuck you' in his sleep. I begin giggling at Stevies open mouth with drool spilling down his face, giggling which wakes up a once peacefully sleeping Duff.
"Hey babe." He whispers in my ear, attempting to stretch his long legs. Failing miserably, I open the door silently and clumsily slip out, reaching for Duff's hand I pull him out too.
"Why were you laughing?"
"I'll tell you later" I breathe.

"Why did we stop?" I question. Looking up at the truck containing my family and best friends.
"Um yeah.... About that... About ten minutes after you sat on my lap you fell asleep, me, Ax and Iz started arguing over something stupid and next thing we know, it was night time and we broke down about an hour ago." He blurts quickly.
"Have you guys rung anyone? And what were you arguing about?" I ask curiously.
"We called my friend Matt in Seattle for a lift, he said the best he could do is three days because it's a long trek. The argument... I'll tell you later." He mumbles partly pissed off because of the fact we could be stranded three days and partly annoyed over this mysterious argument I apparently slept through.
"That means you'll miss your gig right?"
"Let's walk, we'll think of something." I suggest calmly, freaking out won't help us.
"Sure. Hey Lexy?"
"Hey Duff?"
"You're really something special."
I look at the giant beside me, the moon giving his face a beautiful pale glow, his green-hazel eyes shining as bright as the stars above us. His body a silhouette.
"You're special too Duff." I smile. Thank god the darkness is concealing my red cheeks. I hope. We keep walking and talking happily and Duff really is a great guy.

Without warning, I sit on the soft grass beside the abandoned road, Duff looks down on me confused. Looking back, the truck was only a small spec in the distance.
He sits down beside me, crossing his long legs and wrapping a secure arm around my waist, leaning his fluffy teased blonde head on my shoulder and sighing contently.
I keep my head tilted up towards the sky, embracing the night, the air smelling of damp grass and Duff's oh-so enticing scent of vodka, cologne and cigarettes.
"Beautiful." He murmurs.
"It is isn't it." I reply quietly.
"I didn't mean the sky Lexy." He raises his head and turns his body so he could look into my eyes. His face just inches from my own.
"Guys!" Is shouted from what I presume is the truck. We both jump in surprise, looking behind us to see the guys standing beside the truck, far enough away they couldn't hear or see how close we were. Close enough we could see Slash's raven curls and the soft glow from their burning cigarettes.

Duff stands and pulls me up with him. We both walk back slowly, Duff with his arm around my shoulders, my head on his chest soaking in the night as questions fly through my skull at a million miles an hour, was he going to kiss me? Does Duff actually like me? Do I like him?

"Any ideas on how to get out of here then?" Izzy asks calmly whilst puffing on his cancer stick once we stood with the group.
"We do!" I state. Looking at Duff smiling.
"We're hitchhiking. With our instruments. I'll get someone to tow the truck to the next town and look after it until we come back for it."
He informs the group, this is what we came up with whilst walking.
"But first we are getting some sleep, long day ahead of us tomorrow!" I finish for him while he concentrates on lighting his own cigarette.

Everyone nods in agreement to the only plan we had and we all climb back into the cramped truck, this time I lay across all the guys who sat in the back, my excuse being that I'm 'warming their laps' as it was rather chilly. My head on Duff's lap, Izzy with my feet and Steven hugging my waist like a little kid with a teddy.
Duff strokes my hair gently until I fall asleep, everyone (other than sleeping Steven), talk quietly around me.

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