Oregen here we come!

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My feet ache, I'm hungry, the sun beats down on our backs and I'm tired of carrying part of Steven's drum kit and my own rucksack around trying to get a ride.
We came to the conclusion that nobody would want to pick up five scary looking strangers and me. We tried different combinations for a lift, three hiding in the bushes, three holding our thumbs out, me and Axl waiting with the rest hiding and all other combinations.
We eventually gave up and began walking the endless roads as a group again.

Duff called his friend who is on his way from LA to get the truck and take it home for us, rather than somebody else looking after to it in the nearest town until we come back for it.
We will not give up. No matter what.

"Sitting in the Boys Room thinking its a drag..!" Steven yells from the front of our group.
"Listening to the teacher rap-just ain't my bag!"
Duff beside me yells even louder.

"Hey guys, if you keep screaming Mötley Crüe lyrics, nobody will want to give us a lift." Izzy reasons like the mature adult he likes to think he is.
"When two bells ring you know it's my cue!" Slash continues despite Izzy's comment.
"Gonna meet the boys on floor number 2!" Axl sings in perfect tune.

Izzy smacks a hand to his forehead, grabbing me around the shoulders, completely given up with acting his age, "Smokin' in the boys room!" We sing together.
"Smokin' in the boys room!
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school!" Everybody sings/screams. Cars pass us by, gawking at the crazy people beside the road dressed like criminals.

After finishing the song, an old beaten ford truck pulls up beside us, a blonde and brunette  around 20 sticking their their heads out of the open passenger window.
"Need a lift? Where you guys headed?"
The girl with the brown hair with blue streaks asks kindly.
"Seattle!" Steven smiles.
"We can take you as far as Oregon. Hop in. Chuck your stuff in the back!"
"Thank you so much!" I grin. Relieved to be able to get closer to our destination and rest my sore feet. 

"So you guys are musicians?" The driver asks curiously.
"Yeah, Guns N Roses. I'm Axl." He winks.
Axl and Steven have squeezed in the front with the blonde girl Phillis and our driver Betty-Jo.
We've been in the vehicle for about an hour now with the two girls, Phillis is an established travelling photographer whilst Betty-Jo is a journalist for The Rolling Stone magazine, which is quite an accomplishment for someone so young. Both girls work together for the magazine, pretty awesome.

"I haven't heard of you guys but I'll be sure to check you out. You have a record or tape yet?" She asks our group.
"Not yet, but you two will be first to hear it if I get your numbers so I can call you when it's finished." Axl once again lays on the charm, neither of them seeming interested in my brothers flirting, but Philly digs through the glove box, retrieving a small slip of paper and a pencil, jotting down their numbers, passing it back to me.
"Keep it safe honey and whenever you want an escape from these guys you let us know." She laughs.
"She loves us!" Steven pipes in.
"Sure do! Thanks Philly, girl time would be much appreciated some time." We both laugh and turn back to look out the window.
"Why you guys headed for Seattle then?" Betty-Jo questions curiously.
"We are on tour!"

Every begins chatting together, I sit and listen, laughing with the group. I feel eyes on me and turn towards Duff, his head snaps towards the window as his cheeks turn slightly red, he rests his head on the window and closes his eyes.
Was he looking at me or was that just an accident?

I lean my head on Slash's shoulder, his thick mane tickling my nose as I wrap my arm around his waist so I can nap. Slash throws an arm around my body and lets me rest on him, Izzy on the other side of me getting the same idea as he rests his head on my shoulder. Looking to the other side of Slash, Duff is peacefully asleep with his head rested against the seat and mouth wide open. He's so adorable. Oh shut up Alexis!

"Hey turn this up!" Someone says as  Aerosmith's Cryin' floods through the speakers and makes me smile contently into Slash's hair before drifting into a blissful sleep.

Only a short chapter tonight guys. If you have a song from the eighties you want mentioned, just leave me a comment. Must not be any older than 1985 though please! 🌷🌹🎩🍿⚔🔒

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