Coming Home

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You're nothing but a good fuck Alexis.
You're a disgusting little girl Alexis.
No I'm not
Nobody will ever love you, not even your own brother, he left you didn't he Alexis?
He had to
Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you child, you're pathetic, go to your room now Alexis.

My step-fathers looming face is gone with a flash and I'm startled awake.
"You okay short stuff?"
Collecting my bearings and looking around at my surroundings, I'm relieved to confirm I am in fact, not in my childhood household, but in the company of five smelly rock n rollers, in a shady backstage area.
"I'm fine Slash." I reply with slight curved smile.
"Come on, time to go home!" The guitarist grins giddily as he hops into his trusty cowboy boots.
"I'm too tired..." I yawn, sure, I'm happy to be heading home, but ten more minutes won't hurt. I close my eyes and snuggle back into the couch cushions, drifting back into a peaceful snooze.

I'm jolted awake again, this time I feel as though I'm swaying in a hammock. What?
Prying my sleepy eyes open to the crisp morning air and cloudless blue sky, it's apparent I'm being hauled by my ankles and wrists, looking towards my boot clad feet, my eyes are greeted with a happy looking drummer.
"Good morning sleeping beauty!"
"Were you guys in that much of a rush to go home that you had to carry me?" I grumble tiredly.
"Yeah, my friend is waiting at the first venue we played at. I'm surprised you slept this long, were almost there. It's a good job you're not heavy." Replies Duff's enchanting voice.
"You guys gunna put me down now? I'm loosing the feeling in my hands and feet!"
Steven and Duff stop walking and simultaneously let go of me, causing my fragile body to hit the hard concrete with a subtle 'thud' earning snickers from the group of musicians surrounding me.

"Here." Izzy offers me a slim hand up, pulling me to my feet beside him.
"Thanks Iz." Looking towards the blondes, I cross my arms across my chest,
"You pair are literally a pain in my ass right now."
"Not me Alex! Now we're even!" Steven yells, throwing his arms around me and squeezing.
"Okay okay, Popcorn, I can't breathe!" I wheeze desperately.
"Popcorn?" He looks down at me innocently, loosening the grip on my small body, but still holding me tightly against his warm chest.
"Because of your fluffy hair and what you're like behind a drum kit. Innocent and excitable!"
"I like it!" We laugh.
"Stealing my sister Adler?" Axl smirks as he squats in front of me.
Steven reluctantly releases his hold on me and I hope on my brother's leather covered back he stands carefully, my legs wrapped around his waist and arms across his shoulders, resting my chin on his head as he starts to walk again, hands under my knees for support.

"I can get used to this view." Duff says happily from the back of the group.
"It's nice, the city is so peaceful in the early morning." I add.
"The city is nice too I guess." He replies quickly.
Turning my head to look at him I catch him staring at my ass. Nice.
"Eyes up here sunshine!" I say loudly, waving my hand in front of his beet red face.
Axl and Slash having their own conversation, completely unaware as Steven and Izzy begin howling with laughter at Duff's guilty face.
"Sorry Lex." He mumbles.

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