Don't Be Cruel

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"Okay so excuse the mess, the guys are okay once they're used to you not being a stripper, oh! And be careful where you sit." Tommy rambles as he swings open his apartment door and pushes me inside in front of him, the heavy scent of weed, hairspray and whiskey is a slap in the face as I trip over bottles and cans towards the main room, guided with the occasional shove from the drummer.

Tommy stops me with his hands on my shoulders before we reach the couch, presenting me to a blonde and two black haired men with a lot of leather, makeup and of course, hair product.
"Guys this is Alexis, no she is not a stripper, no she is not going to have sex, do drugs or anything of the sort with you. Alex, the Blondie is Vince, guy that looks death is Mick and the one making a joint to your right is Nikki." Tommy introduces straightforwardly.
"Hey." I smile shyly, waving slightly.
"Well hey there sweetheart." Vince speaks with a smooth drawl, raising a hand from the couch to me, to which I accept and roll my eyes as he places a tender kiss on my knuckles, followed with a wink.

I receive a polite nod from Mick whilst Nikki hops eagerly from his seat to shake the same hand Vince had used.
"So you're not a stripper?" He asks curiously, eyeing me with suspicion.
"No way"
"Groupie!?" He asks with genuine curiosity.
"No!" I laugh.
"You've got the body, dancer?"
"No way, but thanks." I smile sweetly.

"Well Tommy sure found a keeper!" He chuckles. "Care for a drink Alex?"
"Sure, I'm good with whatever."
He scampers off to the kitchen area and Tommy indicates for me to sit in the centre of the couch, to which I oblige.

"So what music you into?" Vince asks me as Nikki plops down to my right, handing me a bottle of JD, all attention is on me and I play with the bottle's condensation nervously, watching the droplets chase each other towards the hand clasping the drink.
"Well I love AC/DC, Tom Petty, Van Halen, Cheap Trick, Black Sabbath, Guns N Roses of course, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd to name a few."
"Where did you find her Tommy!? I want one!" Nikki whispers to the drummer, in a non so discrete manner.
My cheeks flush and Tommy smirks.
"The Roxy man, but she's mine! Get your own bestie!" He yells childishly, wrapping and arm around my shoulders protectively, reminding me of Steven. Is this a drummer thing?
"Guys guys, calm down, there's plenty of me to go around!" I chuckle.

I stay with the Crüe for a couple humorous hours, drinking down everything that's given to me and laughing along to their antics and stories.
"Guysh I gotta gooo!" I giggle, falling to my feet and heading to the door.
"Waaaait waaaait! I take you!" Vince laughs, stumbling after me.
"Let's alll gooooo!" Nikki suggests, the whole group wobbling to the door and onto the once quiet, lamp lit street, all of us erupting in laughter at the pavement and holding onto each other for support.

"Hereeee weeee arrreee!" I declare, hitting the buzzer for my apartment a few times.
Tommy jumps onto Vince's unsuspecting back and they do drunken circles around Mick, who just laughs blissfully. Nikki leans against the wall beside me staring into the distance with a grin, jaw line clear against the darkness.

"Alexis is that you!?" Is groaned tiredly through the intercom speaker.
"Yesh Axl, it's me!" I giggle.
The buzzer sounds and the door opens.
"Well my boys! I shall seeee youu when I see you!" I sloppily kiss each man on the cheeks (struggling with the height difference) before watching them stumble back towards their home, shouting and laughing into the distance.

I fall into my apartment only to be greeted with four disapproving looks and a relieved looking Steven. Great, an intervention.
"Where the fuck have you been!?" Axl yells.
"With shome friends." I slur, staggering to Steven with wobbly legs and plopping down on his lap, leaning backwards to lay against Izzy.
"Who!? Where!?" My brother persists, his exhausted face red as he paces the length of the small room.
"Ya know! The guyyyys! Oh and don't worry, I love you guys but don't do drugs kids!" I start laughing uncontrollably.
"I'll take her to bed, Axl man, calm down, she's fine. Just drunk." Someone says before I'm lifted into muscular arms, my eyes connecting with familiar hazel orbs.

"Dufffy I don't wanna go to bed with you anymore. Slashhhhhh!" I whine.
"My body is jostled around a lot before black curls block my drunken view.
"I love love love your hair!" I grin, twirling it in my fingers.
"Nope, Duff you take her back!" Slash groans as I begin playing with his gorgeous hair.
"Uh fine I'll go with Sasquatch, but I'm not Liz and I'm not sneaking around with you!" I mumble sleepily, unaware of the entire room falling silent around me.
"You know what, I'll take her." Izzy grunts as he takes me from Slash.
"This is like pass the parcel!" I murmur into Izzy. His all too
familiar scent over taking me.
"One of you can have my bed, Duff I think you should leave."

That's all I hear before I'm sleeping soundly in Izzy's arms.

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