"I don't really think that is a good idea. It doesn't really send the right message to Titus."

I kind of felt as if that was my cue to head back towards the cabin. I didn't really want to get into the middle of something and it seemed as if  I stayed any longer than I would be right in the middle and probably find out things that I did not want to find out.

"Hey Maddy, I think I'm going to head back to the cabin to check on July."

He turned his head to the side as if confused. "Give me a minute and I'll head back with you."

"Its really okay, I can walk myself back. Y'all probably need to talk."

Annika was quick to voice her opinion. "Yeah Maddy, don't we need to talk."

"There is nothing to talk about. I'll be back to get Titus. Have him ready to spend the night with me."  I was surprised that he did ask, he just told.

"You know I didn't have to bring him early Maddy."

He looked flustered at her. " I know you didn't and thank you for doing that, but now is not the time nor place for you start whatever you are trying to start. I'm here with my friend Melonie and she doesn't need to be in the middle of anything."

I wasn't sure but under her breath, I could have sworn that she said 'your friend right'. She rolled her eyes.

He just shook his head and called for Titus, who immediately came barreling down the dock.  He had both hands out in front of him with his head tilted downward. He was in a classic Superman pose that was pretty darn cute. When he reached Maddy he spun around and stopped abruptly.  He pulled out a pair of glasses out of his pocket and put them on.

Maddy smiled and said, "Well superman, daddy will be back in a bit to pick you up to stay the night."

"Superman? My name is Clark Kent. Who is the superman you speak of?"

In that moment we all laughed and the mood was lightened. Kids have a tendency to do that sometimes.

Maddy sat down and pulled Titus into a hug. " I have miss you so much."

"I miss you all the time daddy. I wish we lived in the same city."  he said in such a sweet but sad voice.

" I know me too buddy. Give me a kiss. I'll see you in a bit."

He gave Maddy a kiss on his lips and then hugged back into him a bit. It really broke my heart. How could things in life be so complicated. What kind of mess was I getting into right now by starting something with Maddy.  My life was a mess and apparently his was just as complicated as mine. Now was probably not the best time to be thinking about trying to start something, especially with a guy I'd just met.

But the connection that Maddy and I was undeniable. It was a kind of connection that I hadn't felt with any guy that I've 'dated'.  The guys I have 'dated'  were just guys to pass the time.  My friend Daisy keeps setting me up with the most random people. She knows I'm lonely but she has no idea what the lonely really means. She is always with a different guy nearly every weekend. I had really never understood that concept. How can anyone find true happiness when they are jumping from bed to bed. I loved Daisy but I don't always agree with her lifestyle choices.



I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah."

"You ready?"

He stood up with Titus still in his arms. He kissed Titus all over and then put him down.  " See you in a bit buddy."

He walked to Annika and grabbed a hold on her hand. "Lets go Mommy, I'm hungry." 

"Okay T, lets go."

They began to walk away and she turned to Maddy. " This isn't over, we'll talk later."

Maddy just shook his head and she turned and walked away with Titus.

We didn't speak as we watched her walk away. When she was gone, Maddy turned to me and hugged me. It was one of those I need comfort hugs, to me it said I need you. Maybe Maddy and I needed each other. We hugged for several minutes and then he pulled away. 

"Maybe we should head back, this is not how I planned for this day to go. I'm sorry about Annika."

"It is okay, I'm just glad that you got to be with Titus."

"Me too. Could we be any more complicated?" It was as if he was reading my mind.

" Do you think we should stop this before someone gets hurt?"

"My brain is telling me yes."

"Mine too."

He let out a sigh, " So what are we going to do?"I

"I don't know I'm so frustrated. I just met you, what is wrong with me."

"Hey this goes both ways you know. Do you really think that I don't think that this crazy."

"So, if I think it is crazy and you think it is crazy then why are we even doing this? We are just adding complicated to something that is already complicated enough." I laid my forehead against his chest.

"Lets just roll with it. Laissez les bon temps rouler."


"Let the good times roll. I have a friend who is from Louisiana, he taught me a little french."

I just giggled. "Lets go back to the cabin."

"Okay" He grabbed my hand and we began to walk.

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