Chapter 5- Date night

Start from the beginning

avabrodeur - take me backkk ;))))
tagged: jackhughes

Jackhughes actually stunning
willbrodeur FIRST
spencerknight anyone else quaking at Jacks comment
trevorzegras IM SO HAPPY. MY TWO BFFS
joshnorris @ spencerknight IKR
quinnhughes @ willbrodeur they grow so fast😢
austonmatthews ummm ave what's with all these hockey boys commenting on your posts all the time?
cmcdavid ^
mmarner_93 ^^
dylanstrome ^^^
avabrodeur @ austonmatthews you mean like you guys always comment on my pictures? Last time I checked you played hockey too...

I barely even posted that comment before I got a face time call from Mitchy.

When I answered, the camera was set to an odd angle from Mitch's living room so that 5 angry hockey players could all see me.
"Annabella Grace Brodeur!" Mitch said sternly on the phone, "What is with all of this sass missy?"

I sighed mentally, "Why do you guys care so much that I just have a couple of new friends? Actually, they're even Wills friends."

"No, but that's the problem, we trust Will. We don't even have a sparkle of trust for these little teen try hards." Dylan said speaking up. As you can tell he's the comedian of the group, or at least tried to be.

"Ava, we just don't want you getting hurt, you've gone through enough." William said.

Then Auston spoke up, "Yeah what the hell Ave. you basically roasted me in the comment section." He said with a sad face, and I didn't even realize what I did.

"I'm sorry, Matts, I mean it. How about this, when I go visit all of you guys, you'll get the biggest hug out of all of them. Because you're mad at me for a reasonable thing, unlike these dweebs."

"Ava, stop being so stubborn and actually listen to wha we're saying. We're just trying to protect you, it sucks seeing what you had to go through this year, and I would never want to see it happen in a million years. Ever again." Connor said finally. It was kind of scaring me that he was being so quiet.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But I'm not a baby anymore, I can handle things on my own now, but there's nothing wrong with you guys helping out a little bit." I said with a smile on my face. After a few more minutes of us actually talking about positive things and catching up, I hung up. Well, actually we talked for like and hour.

I headed downstairs and grabbed some pancakes that my mom had made and instantly dug in. Pancakes were literally my favorite food in the history of food. Ughhh, they were just so fricken gooddddd.

The doorbell rang and I got up to get it. I looked through the camera to see a smiling Trevor and Quinn, but not who I wanted to be here. I frowned and buzzed them in through the gate, leaving the door unlocked so I wouldn't have to get up again, and finally sitting back down.

The boys came in and gave me a side hug since I was sitting at the counter stools.
"Sorry Ava, were not who you wanted here" he said with a smirk, "But don't worry he's coming later." He said reassuringly.

I smiled to myself and finished my pancakes as William came down the stairs.
"Hello my fellow friends, I'm having quite the morning filled with happiness." He said with a British accent, making me laugh.
I put my plate in the sink and started doing the dishes.
"What was so important that we had to rush over here as soon as possible or else?" Quinn asked with a slight chuckle. Yep. Sadly, that sounded like something my idiot brother would say.

"I wanted to play fortnite with someone and you guys are the best at it out of our friend group." He said with a smile on his face.

I dried off my hands and turned around, "Really Will, that's what you invited them over for-"

"AWESOME!" Trevor screeched and ran up the stairs. Will just gave me a grin, basically saying he was right, and headed upstairs with Quinn.

I groaned, not knowing what to do with myself until I realized I wanted Starbucks. I decided to text Jack and see what he was doing.

Jacky Jack

Yes Ave

Wanna go to Starbucks


I chuckled at his reaction and immediately headed upstairs. I threw on a pair of lululemon black leggings and a cute cream colored tube top, leaving my hair naturally down and adding some mascara to the look. I grabbed my wallet and headed downstairs, seeing Jack playing with the twins and Max in the living room.

I walked behind him sneakily and covered his eyes, "Guess who?"
"Hmmm." He said thinking about it, "I would probably guess the only female in this household, but I'm gonna say my second favorite Brodeur, Will."
I took my hands off his eyes and he turned around with a smile.
"Dammit. I was kind of close!" He said getting up and hugging me.

I let out a laugh, "So who's you're first favorite Brodeur?" I asked slyly, "There's only like 20 to chose from." I said with a grin on my face.

"Max, duh." He said like it was a no brainer, making me gasp and Max gave him a high five.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside and said bye to the boys in one swift motion.

"I'm just kidding." He said swaying our hands as we walked to the car, "Youre my favorite, I just didn't want to hurt Max's feelings." He said kissing my forehead as we got into the car.

I let out a chuckle as we sat in a comfortable silenced car ride for the rest of the drive.

As soon as we walked in i internally sighed because of the barista that was working today. He was a nice guy, don't get me wrong, but the dude had to be at least 30 and was a little bit too flirty.

Jack walked up to the barista and placed his order, and kindly waited for my turn.

"I'll have a strawberry refresher with a strawberry cake pop." I said kindly, literally praying he doesn't say anything.
"Anything else beautiful." He said with a wink. Oh no.

"Yeah, I'd like an order of 'stay away from her'." Jack said, crossing his arms over his chest with an eye roll. Thank god literally no one was here or else we'd be starting a big scene.

"Don't you think she'd tell me if she was taken?" He asked in a rude tone, and I felt Jack getting more tense by the second.
I grabbed his hand and he instantly calmed down a little bit, smiling at out intertwined fingers.

The barista just rolled his eyes and gave me my total, which Jack kindly payed for by the way, and we grabbed out food, sitting down.

Jack still looked a little bit aggravated from what just happened, so I grabbed his hand and held it across the table.

"Has he always talked to you like that?" Jack asked looking at the floor.
"Pretty much." I said with a sigh, "That's why I always go to dunkin, or when I come I come with Will because that barista guy knows he's my brother." I said getting quite annoyed myself.

"Well, hes an asshole, and I'm never letting you come here by yourself again." He said with a slight smile trying to lighten the mood.

We then changed our topic of discussion thankfully and we were able to have a happy conversation which felt like it was only 5 seconds, but in reality we had been there an hour.

We got up so we could throw out our garbage when Jack notices something on my cup.
It had the baristas number and a little note attached to it.
I know that asshat isn't your man, but I'd love to be ;) call me

"Dude has no fucking chill." Jack said getting all worked up again.
"Hey hey hey". I said placing a hand on his cheek, "Relax, i promise you it's not that big of a deal. Let's just let this go, yeah?" I said super softly, hopefully in a soothing tone.

He relaxed a little bit at my touch and nodded, letting me lead him back to the car. I couldn't take the silence anymore and had to lighten the mood.

"You know you look really hot when you're mad, right." I said to Jack making him let out a real laugh.

Jack let out a heart warming laugh, surprised that I was the one with the cheeky compliment this time. I literally exploded out of happiness whenever I was with this kid.

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