Chapter 3: My Choco-late

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Ellie POV

It has been a week since Alex asked me out, and tomorrow is our little "friends" trip. i got a warning letter for skipping on classes last week. yeah! after that cheek kiss, i was too embarrassed to face anyone, why? who knows! i just felt reluctant to see anyone especially Ally. that girl can read me like a bill board sign, and if she saw my face that day, she would have smelled something fishy, no, i guess, the whole pacific ocean!

"Hello! from earth to Ell" Ally mocked as she placed the book she was reading on my bed

"what is wrong with you and daydreaming these days?" she added

"No..nothing" i stuttered.  i could feel my face burning up

" Is there is something i don't kn-" she grinned "wait a minute! don't tell me you have a date for Valentine tomorrow!" she said shaking my both shoulders

Wait! tomorrow is Valentine? i quickly ran to my bed, probably leaving Ally behind in confusion. I took my smart phone that was tossed there. God! it says here 13th Feb. which means tomorrow is 14th Feb. which is VALENTINE! i calculated everything in my head in a matter of seconds. Wait! did Alex know that he asked me out on Valentine's day? or was it just a coincidence? i don't know why but i was kinda disappointed at the thought that he asked me out, on valentine, coincidentally.

"Here you go doing it again! I must be correct you have a date! right? is it Adam?" Ally and her Pinocchio nose!

oh yes! Adam...i made a vow to myself to make a chocolate for him and confess my feelings this valentine, which happens to be...tomorrow! i buried my hands in my face for my messed up life. The life which is as stubborn as a dog with a squeaky toy! The life that no matter what i say to it, it just ends up doing the exact opposite!

"Hey! Ellie, am i gonna be the only one talking here?" Ally whined

"okay..okay" i whispered hands still covering my face.

i sighed in my own hands as i continued "i guess i have two dates tomorrow not one"

"What?! oh my god, kids sure grow up so fast. look at our Ellie she is all a grown up woman now, who happens to be a two timer too" Ally replied as she patted my shoulder, obviously mocking as i heard her giggle at the end.

"i am not a two timer!" i glared at her after raising my face up

"it is just that Alex asked me out, on a friendly trip, a week ago. And that day happens to be valentine!" i placed my hands over her mouth because she was about to speak "wait till i finish"

"and remember that vow i did to myself, last year, at my birthday party"

"the one when you said you will confess to Adam, with a chocolate?" Ally said through my palm which was still connected to her talkative mouth. 

"yeah.." i nodded in agreement 

"i don't know what should i do..Ally" i needed her to give me an advice about what to do, yet i shouldn't be expecting much from a...well...weird friend like her

"Let's just go eat some ice cream and then jump off a cliff!" she shrugged. Ally smashed my low expectations, by taking them lower, like bellow zero!

i hit her arm with my elbow as we both laughed at the suggestion. yeah! even though she is weird, she is still the best friend, that i consider the sister i always wanted, but never had. i guess because my father is too busy rotating around the globe, the chances of me having a younger sibling, is probably none.

"why would you jump with me?" I asked

"because" she hugged me "you are my best friend!"

Aww! just hearing those words made my day! i was glade that i was the reason for someone eles's happiness. even though Ally is saying that she would jump with me, i bet that if we were to be surrounded by a pack of lions, she would probably run for her life, leaving me behind to solve my way out alone! i giggled at my thought as i pictured her running with a funny face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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