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i am running, and running. laughing as i run over crunchy dry leaves, the sun hitting down on my pearl shining skin.

"Ellie slow down!" i heard a shout

i turned and it was my mum running after me. i yelled back "No!" and continued to break my way through the dark green bushes, i am laughing and having fun

"Ellie, No! Stop!" Mum shouted

i am falling, i? i am falling down...a cliff? 

"Ellie take my hands" i heard. it wasn't mum. I couldn't see anyone


"Help m-"

I woke up, breathing heavily. my vision blur from tears i didn't even feel falling down. My heart is about to burst, and sweat is all over my face. i looked outside my bedroom window, it is still dark, i took a glance at the digital watch on the small wooden table by my side. 4 am! fuck that early, i have college at 8 am, but i am waking up now because of that mysterious dream, no, nightmare. i got out of the bed, and headed towards the kitchen. 

even though i was wearing pink shorts and yellow strapless shirt, i was feeling as if i was roasting in an oven! that dream, i wonder what it means. i have been dreaming almost every night, since the day i stepped in American university, no since the day i got here to Washington DC. maybe there is something about this place which is related to this dream. I interrupted my thoughts when i tripped over my own feet. Shit now i have to go apply some first aid to the bruise i got my self.

i headed over to the bathroom, and opened the glass cupboard hanging on the wall. everything doesn't seem to go the way i want them to! i opened the first aid box and started applying some medicine on the bruise. the bruise leaving a scar behind is the last thing i want! it is enough that scar on my right thigh, my mum told me that i had it when i was young, due to an accident or something. i kept on checking the scar out, i have a strange feeling about it. Every time i ask mum about that scar, she either changes the subject, or come up with a new story every time, which made me grow more suspicious, what is the real reason for it. i scratched my head.

after finishing the treatment, i went back to the kitchen, all i need now is a quick snack to make me forget all the stress and tension my body was in because of that dream! My mom was there and....and...there was someone else. i can't remember his/her face, no i didn't even see it in the dream. who was that person? i returned back from my thoughts as i entered the hall. the light there was dim, and i am a person who to her darkness is her enemy. i get frightened and scared in dark closed places, maybe it a phobia or something. i have no idea. i lit the lights and made my way to the kitchen door. i opened the door and it squeaked.

i would say my house is scarier than the house in the movie "the grudge", it is too big for only my mother and i to live in, and there was once a story that the old owner was murdered in it!

My father is a business man, so hardly spends anytime with us. he is always in a foreign country for some business deals. he is even in Spain now, doing what? only god knows! this has aroused some conflicts between my parents, i just hope it doesn't grow bigger.fingers crossed. 

i opened the fridge and got out a milk bottle. then a cereal box from the bamboo wooden cardboard, my father brought us from china! took a bowl and spilled both into it. even though i eagerly want to have a cheese burger, with some mayo and ketchup, as a mid night snack. but i have to keep my body in shape if i wanted to impress Adam.Aka my crush. he is so dreamy, handsome and a gentlemen. oh how i wish i had a boyfriend like him, his smile alone is brighter than the sun, and his eyes are sky blue . i pushed these thoughts at the back of my head enough romance fantasy..for now, let's get back to the real world.

YouWhoSavedMe,I love you (onhold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें