MLP Crossover (Chapter 24)

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(AN: Okay, I know I just did a crossover, but you all have been begging me for a My Little Pony crossover, so here we go... BTW, once I get at least 5 questions and 2 dares, we'll celebrate Official Questions and Answers day! The crossover is in the Equestria Girls version of MLP)

AK: Want to watch the next episode? -they all have been so bored that they are have been binge watching Netflix shows for the past 32 hours-

Olaf: I guess so.

Anna: -snore...-

Elsa: Anna? Anna, wake up!

Anna: What? the answer is two!

Kristoff: We need something better to do! -he turns on the lights-

All but Kristoff: Hiss!

Hans: My eyes! Light!

AK: Ahh! It hurts to blink for the first time in 32 hours!

Anna: Well, what do you wanna do?

Olaf: Beats me! -AK's iPod dings-

AK: Let's read it... yay! It's a royal invitation from Princess Celestia to visit Equestria!

Olaf: What's that?

AK: I'll tell you on the way there. -they enter the portal, and AK tells them about MLP, but I'll say the directions anyway for any who want to try and follow if portals really did exist-

Directions: Turn right, left, down the elevator to floor negative five, right, straight, U turn, at the rainbow floor, step only on orange tiles unless you want a bath of iced tea, go left, up the ladder, and open the sparkly pink door to reach Equestria!

AK: And that, my friends, is MLP!

Anna: Sounds cool!

Kristoff: Sounds girly!

AK: That's your opinion, Kristoff, but you better not let anyone hear you say that! You might... let's just say that these ponies like to leave lots of things up to imagination.

Hans: My comment, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Elsa: That was... random... -they walk through the portal and land in Rainbow Dash's house in a pile. Elsa and Anna are on top, Kristoff and AK are in the middle, and Hans is on the bottom with Olaf's butt. Dash caught Olaf's head-

AK: Hi.

Dash: Who are you?

Hans: I'm your biggest fan! -pulls a brony hat out of nowhere-

Dash: You're invading my house! And what's a brony?

Hans: Well, Dashie...

Dash: Nobody calls me Dashie but my friends! -pulls Hans out of the pile and starts to hurt him. And no one questions the strangers-

Olaf: Can you give me back to my butt?

Dash: -drops Hans on his face- Ahh! It's alive! -drops Olaf's head and flies out a window-

Hans: Ouch.

AK: -fixes Olaf's head- Well, I guess Princess Celestia didn't tell the Mane 6 that we were coming. Let's go meet everyone else before Dash can tell them that we're insane murderers.

Elsa: What?!

AK: Never mind. -they walk down the street and everyone whispers and points because they've never seen the gang around town before-

Anna: -to Pinkie- Hi there.

Pinkie: -randomly gasps and runs-

Kristoff: Ooooookayyyyy... -next they run into Fluttershy-

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