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Grace's PoV

" Literally NOTHING " I screamed as I sat on the ground round all my clothes that were laying on the ground in mine and Simon's room

I've been trying to find a dress for the party tonight but I have nothing

I let out a frustrated sigh and started throwing more clothes away

" wow and you tell me that Simon is messy " alyssa laughed as she came in the room I looked at her and gave her the finger before falling down on my back

" What are we lovely " she giggled

" I have nothing to wear the only thing I have is jeans and a few shorts and I want a dress " I pouted

" Well we've got an hour and a half till we leave we can run to the shops here " I looked at her and groaned

" I'm so lazy " she laughed and picked me up and pushed me out of the door


" Come on Simon will find that super sexy " katie smirked as she threw a dress

" Come on Simon will find that super sexy " katie smirked as she threw a dress

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" Yeah... no " I laughed in and gave it back to her
" I'm already sexy enough " I joked making myself cringe

" Alright at least a red dress since it's his fave colour" alyssa said as all the girls literally attacked the red dresses

Alyssa asked the girl to come along with us because I'm a 'hard girl ' which I don't agree with, ok maybe I'm a bit hard

" Look at this one" gee gushed as she pushed me in the fitting room

" Don't you think you can see my stomach to much " I asked them as I walked back out

" ITS SO BEAUTIFUL " rose squealed

" babe get some self confidence " freya said as she patted my stomach

" is it really okay " I asked them looking at myself in the mirror

" is it really okay " I asked them looking at myself in the mirror

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Tough times...|| Simon minter Where stories live. Discover now