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Grace's pov

" How did you find out " I asked Mrs minter
Who sat with everyone else in the kitchen
My head was on her shoulder and Alex was asleep in her arms

" Well, you know those younger years messing around and all I got pregnant for the 4th time and panicked because my dad would kill me so... oh I feel so bad to say this " she said whipping her tears away I nodded at Simon he took Alex away and I hugged her

" Just let it all out, no one will be mad or anything we all are brothers and sisters of each other " I said kissing her head it wasn't weird as she felt like my second mum

" I just left you in the hospital I was so scared and, I was looking through pictures on Instagram and I noticed how much she looked like her dad so I did my research " she said

" I feel like I'm the forgotten princess " alyssa said flipping her hair we laughed

" I'm so excited about this help " I squealed

" Aye you're my sister " Alyssa said jumping from her chair I also jumped from the chair and we started jumping around

" I'm embarrassing myself " I giggled

After that we all spend the night at the sidemen house even with Mrs minter she played gta which was the best thing I've seen all my life

" I'm still so exited about this " I squealed to alyssa as we were the last two to go up

" Same we're like in a movie" She squealed
" how are you and Simon doing " She asked

I shrugged and looked down

" Don't go too hard on him he knows that he did something wrong and he'll do everything for you he really loves you stop being on your period every time and let him talk with you" she said stopping me in my tracks

" It's just...Hard, he scared me" I sighed fiddling with my ring

" You have to get over it you can't always sleep on the couch and take Alex away from him, you act all happy around him but we all know that it's fake it's over now he made his mistakes and he said he'll never do it again "

" then I'll let him more with Alex but you or someone else has to be with you two "

" And what are you going to do " She asked slightly pissed

" I'll leave " I whispered a part of me hoping she didn't hear it

" This is so wake up call and you're going to leave again, Wake up you two have a kid to raise Together you have a marriage to plan "

" I'll stop the marriage then " I heard her angrily sigh

" Do Whatever you want but I'm telling you I'm going to be on his side, he's doing everything to say sorry and you're making everything harder you're stupid in your head " She said and walked away

My heart sank as I thought about what I just said

I don't want to leave him

I fell on knees and sobbed

I heard a door open and saw Simon standing there tears also falling down his face

" Simon I d-"

" You want to leave me And Alex " he asked crawling to me

" no ple-"

" I'm trying my best princess I really am trying " he cried sitting in front of me

" I know, I know " I whispered

" I want the ring back " he said I looked at his face and he was serious

" Simon I didn't mean what I said please " I cried in his chest

" I want you to be happy " he said and slipped the ring off my finger

" I am, Simon please I am happy with you " I cried he shook his head and stood up

" You aren't happy, you're crying every minute, you want to leave and you're scared of me
I want you to be happy and I know you will be happy just ... not with me " He said and got in his room

I looked at the closed door where my two boys were in

I sobbed loudly every thing started to move closer to me and my breath slowed

" babe calm down " Freya's soft voice said I sobbed more in her embrace and slowly got my breath back

" I'm sorry " she said kissing the top of my head

Tough times...|| Simon minter Where stories live. Discover now