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Alyssa's pov

" I'm going to jj today he needs to tell me something " I said as the three of us all sat lazily in the living room

" be careful alright " Simon said now not taking any notice to his phone

" yeah I will Tobi is also coming to take care of James and Liam just incase " I sighed

" But if something happens you need to call me and we'll be there as fast as possible " I nodded he sounded like mum

" I will don't worry I don't think he will do something because James and Liam are in the house as long as he didn't drink I'm alright " I said he nodded and patted my back

My head turned to grace who was sitting in Simon's embrace biting her nails looked forward her

I shrugged it off and got up

" I'll get ready I don't know if I'll see you two later so bye brother and sister " I giggled Simon waved while grace still didn't take any notice

Simon's PoV

" you seem off today " I told grace as we just left to my parents

" No no I'm fine " she quickly said

" You sure Princess you know you can tell me everything " I said and squeezed her hand

" I'll tell you tonight " she sighed how much I wanted to know it now I shrugged it off

" you look good today " I said changing the subject (media)

" why thank you Miniminter " she smiled

I picked my phone and the aux chord and set on a Disney playlist because of my broken arm I still can't drive, I chuckled as she sang along to toy story

" YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME " we both sang in unison


" Hey mum and dad " I smiled coming in the house

" Awh Hi my favourite Bradley " my mother gushed squeezing grace her cheeks

I looked at my dad and we both chuckled

" Awh hi my little minter " my dad said mocking my dad my mum gave him a death glare before taking grace her hand talking about all the gossips

" how are you doing son after what happened " my dad asked as we both sat down in the living room I picked Madison up and she instantly cuddled up to me while alex kept playing with the toys

" I'm healing I still can't drive because of my stupid arm" I groaned my dad laughed before patting my back

" it will be over soon " he said

We ended up staying at the beach till 9 PM we had a good time even my parents came along and now they're with us in London

Alyssa's pov

" what do you have to tell me " I asked jj while rolling my eyes

" I love you " He said I looked at him and we stared at each other

Tough times...|| Simon minter Where stories live. Discover now