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Grace's pov

" Miss Bradley and mr minter welcome " the doctor said and let us sit down

He wanted us to come for a talk I don't know why

" I'm sorry what I'm going to tell is going to sound very weird and strange but doctor mishno (IDK😂) was your doctor right " he asked I nodded confused

" you were never pregnant " he said my eyes widen and squeezed Simon's hand

" What do you mean " he asked clearly angry

" he lied but you guys aren't the only couple he's fired now I'm very sorry for what he had done to you two " the doctor said

" But I don't understand it , he told me that I was having a baby boy he showed the freaking screen " I almost shouted

" And her Bump " Simon added

" You didn't take a test did you " I shook my head no

" You were sick it's a sickness where you get a large stomach and lose blood when it gets bad you had to take a operation but we didn't know but I'd like to do it as fast as possible so it won't happen again "

My mouth was open and so was Simon's

We pushed our friends away we pushed each other away I ran away we cried




" Shhh " Alyssa whisper shouted when I walked in the sidemen house with Simon

Me and Simon both jumped and she laughed

" Liam and James are asleep " I nodded and walked in the kitchen

I explained everything to Alyssa and jj and they were pretty shocked if I must say

" is he sick or something " jj asked I shrugged

" might be a brother of Lachlan " Alyssa giggled but no one laughed

" Oh shit not funny" she said and pretended to zip her mouth

" I'm never in a million years going back to that hospital and I'm definitely not getting an operation there " I said

Tough times...|| Simon minter Where stories live. Discover now